Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of Sigli–Banda Aceh Toll Road, Section 2 of Seulimeum-Jantho, Section 3 of Jantho-Indrapuri, Section 5 of Blang Bintang-Kuto Baro, and Section 6 of Kuto Baro-Baitussalam, at Baitussalam Toll Gate, Aceh Province, September 9, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 9 September 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Distinguished Ministers, TNI Commander, Aceh Governor, and Regents who are present;

Ladies and Gentlemen, my beloved children.

Good morning,

Infrastructure is an important aspect of improving connectivity. Therefore, we will continue to accelerate infrastructure development, construction of toll roads, including the construction of the 2,998 km Trans Sumatra toll road that will stretch from Lampung province to Aceh province.

We hope that the connection of the Trans Sumatra toll road can spur economic growth and encourage economic equality in the island of Sumatra. Also, to cut travel time as well as to increase multiplier effects for the surrounding residents.

Today, I will inaugurate four of the six sections of Sigli-Banda Aceh toll road, spanning 35 km, which has been constructed since 2019 and spent a budget of Rp13.5 trillion. Those four sections are section 2 of Seulimeum​​-Jantho, section 3 of Jantho-Indrapuri, section 5 of Blang Bintang-Kuto Baro, and section 6 of Kuto Baro-Baitussalam, spanning 35 km.

I believe the toll road’s presence will create new economic hubs, motivate small and micro businesses to expand, and stimulate the economy in Aceh province.

That concludes my remarks.

By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I hereby inaugurate Sigli-Banda Aceh toll road section 2 (Seulimeum​​-Jantho), Section 3 (Jantho-Indrapuri), Section 5 (Blang Bintang-Kuto Baro), and Section 6 (Kuto Baro-Baitussalam).

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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