Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of the Jakarta-Bandung ‘Whoosh’ High Speed Train (KCJB), at KCJB Halim Station, East Jakarta, Jakarta, October 2, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 2 Oktober 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Good morning,
Peace and prosperity be upon us.

Honorable Chairpersons and Leaders of State Institutions, Ministers, Acting Governor of Jakarta, Acting Governor of West Java;
Excellencies, Ambassadors of Friendly Countries;
Honorable Directors and Commissioners of PT KCIC, Directors of State-Owned Enterprises;

Ladies and Gentlemen.

The Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train is the first high speed train in Indonesia and also the first in Southeast Asia with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. And, we call this high speed train ‘Whoosh’, W-H-O-O-S-H, it is pronounced as /(h)wo͞oSH/. It is inspired by the sound of this high-speed train and stands for Waktu Hemat, Operasi Optimal, Sistem Hebat. (Time Saver, Optimal Operation, Excellent System). Again, W-H-O-O-S-H, it is pronounced as /(h)wo͞oSH/.

The Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train marks the modernization of our mass transportation which is efficient, environmentally friendly, and integrated with other modes of transportation, as well as integrated with TOD (transit oriented development). And, this high speed train project is new to us. MRT is also new to us, LRT is also new to us, high speed train is also new to us. The technology is new, the speed is new, the construction is new, the financing model is new. Everything is new. And we should not be afraid to learn and try new things. In this process, unexpected things can arise, as well as difficulties in the practice, problems, and imperfections. Experience is priceless but very valuable. And, we should not be afraid, because if we are consistent, we will make fewer mistakes, the costs of mistakes will also decrease, and ultimately, production costs and project costs will also be lower over time.

Therefore, I advise all of us not to be allergic to criticism and to remain enthusiastic about learning. Because our experience in building infrastructure, including toll roads, ports, airports, dams, transportation modes, has shaped us and has given us the provisions to produce better results in the future. Our courage to try new things gives us confidence, gives us the opportunity to learn from the nation’s children, and will benefit us in the future, making our human resources more advanced and our nation increasingly independent.

This concludes my remarks. And, by saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I officially commence the operation of the Jakarta-Bandung ‘Whoosh’ High Speed Train.

I thank you,
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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