Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of the Kuwil Kawangkoan Dam in North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province, January 19, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 19 Januari 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Good morning,
Peace and prosperity be upon us,

Honorable ministers, leaderships of Commission V of the House of Representatives, North Sulawesi Governor, North Minahasa Regent as well as all attending regents and mayors.
My beloved children,
Good morning,
Is everyone well?
It’s hot this morning, isn’t it?

Mr. President is also feeling hot. Usually, Manado city is cold but this morning, it is hot but a healthy one. Alright, I want to ask the children here. What is the name of this dam? If you can answer this please come forward. You can come forward. What is the name of the dam?

Elfata (Elementary School Student)
Kuwil Kawangkoan Dam.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Kuwil Kawangkoan. What grade are you in?

Elfata (Elementary School Student)
Sixth grade.

Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Sixth grade. What is your name?

Elfata (Elementary School Student)

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Sixth grade. Kuwil Kawangkoan. Correct, please come back to your seat. You get a bike. Is the bike available? You get a bike. The bike is not here. Stay here first. Oh, there it is.

For those there, name two functions of the dam! Please come forward, one only, only one of you, please come forward. What is your name?

Naisil Hendar (Senior High School Student)
Naisil Hendar.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Naisil Hendar. What grade are you in?

Naisil Hendar (Senior High School Student)
The 11th grade.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Name two functions of dam!

Naisil Hendar (Senior High School Student)
As a rainwater reservoir.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
As a rainwater reservoir. Then, the next function?

Naisil Hendar (Senior High School Student)
As a site to cultivate fish.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
As a site to cultivate fish. Hold on, I want to ask Minister of Public Works and Public Housing. Is it correct, Minister?

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (Basuki Hadimuljono)
It is correct, Sir.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
It is correct. Alright. I ask the Minister who often builds dams. Please, take the bike.

Naisil Hendar (Senior High School Student)
Thank you, Sir.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
You are welcome. Please, take the bike with you. Alright, you can step down.

The Kuwil Kawangkoan Dam started its construction in 2016, meaning that it has been five and a half years. It is built with a budget of Rp1.9 trillion. With a capacity of 26 million cubic meters and an inundation area of 157 hectares, the dam can serve as a power generator. It can reduce existing floods, especially in Manado and be used for agriculture, because this is located above Manado. If we do not block [the water] here, the water will keep flowing and cause Manado to flood. As we remember, in 2014, Manado was hit by a flash flood.

The third question, what is my name? Alright, there is one who is already running. What is your name?

Galio (Elementary School Student)
Ir. Joko Widodo.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
What is your name?

Galio (Elementary School Student)

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Galio. What grade are you in?

Galio (Elementary School Student)
Fifth grade.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Galio, fifth grade. What is my name?

Galio (Elementary School Student)
Ir. Joko Widodo.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
You can get the bike. Where is the bike? Not out yet. Alright, it is here.

Over there, what is the name of North Sulawesi Governor? Name first, name, what is your name?

Pinkan Sumpotan (Senior High School Student)
Pinkan Sumpotan.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Pinkan. What grade are you in?

Pinkan Sumpotan (Senior High School Student)
The tenth grade, class (X) C of St. Nicholas Lokon High School, Tomohon.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Class (X) C of St. Nicholas Lokon High School, Tomohon. Tomohon, that is very far. What is the name of North Sulawesi Governor?

Pinkan Sumpotan (Senior High School Student)
Olly Dondokambey.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Is it correct, Mr. Olly? You can take the bike with you.

Lastly, what is the name of North Minahasa Regent? Please, come forward. Alright, this one is the first one, the rest can go back. What is your name?

Outniel Makaleo (Junior High School Student)
Outniel Makaleo.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Outniel. What grade are you in?

Outniel Makaleo (Junior High School Student)
The 8th grade of State Junior High School 1 of Kalawat.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Alright, the 8th grade. What is the name of the North Minahasa Regent?

Outniel Makaleo (Junior High School Student)
Joune Ganda.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Is it correct, Mr. Joune? Is it correct? I do not know very well, Sir. Correct, you can take the bike.

So, the dam can be utilized as a micro-hydro power plant. It produces 2 x 0.70 megawatts of electricity. Although it is small, it can become a micro-hydro powerplant.

This concludes my remarks on this auspicious opportunity. By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I hereby inaugurate the Kuwil Kawangkoan Dam in North Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi province.

I thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
May God bless us all.


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