Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of the National Democratic (NasDem) Party’s Central Executive Board Office, from NasDem Tower, Menteng, Jakarta, February 22, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 22 Februari 2022
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

Peace and prosperity be upon us all,

Om swastiastu,

Namo buddhaya,

Greetings of Virtue.

Honorable Chairperson of the NasDem Party, my older brother, my senior, close friend of mine whom I often talk to and also, he often talks to me, Mr. Surya Paloh,

Honorable Members of the House of Representatives (DPR) from the NasDem Faction and all ranks of the NasDem Party executives at the central and regional levels who are present here or virtually,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.

As soon as I entered the building, to the NasDem Tower, I was truly amazed at the NasDem Party’s office which is really a super luxurious one, with complete contents that show the desire for a change in civilization for the country. I was shown the two floors of the national gallery. There is also a library room which contains books on political movements and others, which are very complete. There is a war room ready to present any data, meaning that there is big data there. This shows that NasDem Party is a modern party that always updates any activity, any data, in real-time.

I whispered to my older brother earlier, if the NasDem Party’s office was compared to that of Republican Party or the Democratic Party in the US, or CCP Party in China, this office might be much better. Maybe, because I have never been there. Because I really lost my words, I am speechless. Truly a very complete office. What is left now is how to fill this office with more massive and more intensive fieldwork, so you can get both.

I believe that with such a complete office, like the one owned by the NasDem Party, it will become a big asset for the NasDem Party to become the largest party in our country. A new office. But I also want to tell you about the new capital city. If Bapak Surya and the NasDem Party have a new office, I also have a new capital city.

Whatever it is, in many big transformations, changes, and ideas, there must be pros and cons. Some would agree and some would disagree. Nevertheless, in our political system it is clear that the law [for the IKN development] has been approved by the House and by eight out of nine existing factions. Meaning, it has been completed from the political law perspective. If what happened was like this, it should not be contested anymore, it should be.

Still, what I want to convey is why the capital city have to be relocated. Our country is a big country, we have 17 thousand islands, 514 regencies and cities, 34 provinces. If we look at the population figures, as many as 56 percent of Indonesian population is concentrated in Java Island, 156 million Indonesians live in Java although we have 17 thousand islands. The 58 percent of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is also concentrated in the island, in Jakarta, to be precise. So that it becomes the magnet of all the islands in the country. Jakarta has become a magnet for all cities. What will happen next? What will happen next is inequality of economic growth between Java and outside Java. The inequality between regions. The inequality of infrastructure between Java and outside Java. This is also why the relocation of the capital was initiated a long time ago.

In 1957, Mr. Soekarno had the desire to relocate [capital city] from Jakarta to Palangka Raya but was obstructed by political upheaval so the idea was not implemented. Mr. Soeharto also had the same idea, to relocate the capital city to Jonggol in West Java. Studies on the relocation of the capital city have previously been done. Once again, the relocation of the capital city aims to foster the equality of infrastructure, economic growth, and social justice.

The new capital city will adopt the following concepts. First, 70 percent of the area must be green area. Second, 80 percent of vehicles or people’s mobility from one place to another is sustained by 80 percent of public transportation, not by a private car. Third, more than 80 percent of energy [in the IKN] will use green energy, namely using hydropower to be built in Kayan river in North Kalimantan.

So that in the new capital city, the city planner has estimated that it will only take 10 minutes from one point to another, just 10 minutes. It will be a “10-minute city”. From here to there, all in 10 minutes. And we will give priority to, first, pedestrians, second, the cyclist, and third, people who catch public transportation. If you like to walk, please move to the new capital city. For cyclists and those who want to be healthy, please move to the new capital city. If you like to drive a car, especially if your car uses fossil fuels, please do not move to the new capital city. The grand concept is Smart Forest City, lots of green space and lots of forest. Everything is managed with modern technology, be it transportation, irrigation system, electricity system, communication infrastructure, or public services.

Many people ask me, where is the budget sourced from? As for the core area, where the state palace and ministerial buildings are located, is indeed financed by the State Budget. We estimate the cost is 20 percent of the total required budget. So that the remaining 80 percent is from KPBU (government-to-business cooperation), be it Public Private Partnership (PPP) or direct investment by investors.

Once again, back to the Nusantara capital city, since there are hills, the [city’s] design will adapt to (the situation on the ground), from the existing ground level. The waterfront area will also be made as natural as possible. And some of existing forest ecosystem has already damaged. Thus, we will carry out reforestation. So, do not let the assumptions about deforestation spread. Out of 256 thousand hectares, only about 50 thousand hectares of area will be used. It means that the remaining area of 200 thousand [hectares] will be functioned as green forest. We will improve what has damaged.

And we will build nurseries in the first phase of the development that are expected to produce 20 million seedlings every year. Ibu Siti Nurbaya will explain it in more detail, who has also whispered me, “The nursery is almost finished, sir”.  What does it mean? It means we are indeed promoting a very environmentally friendly city.

This concludes my remarks on this auspicious occasion.

By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I hereby inaugurate the office of the National Democratic (NasDem) Party’s central executive board.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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