Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of the Operation of the Batang Integrated Industrial Estate (KITB) in Batang Regency, Central Java Province, July 26, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 26 Juli 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Good afternoon,
May peace be upon us all.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We all remember that in 2019, geopolitical tensions heat up between two powers the USA and China due to trade war. Amid the tension, we entered the second phase, we faced COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. However, I noticed that in every challenge lives a greater opportunity to seize if we work hard. I noticed that at that time there were many parties that wanted to relocate their industries, factories, build a new industry in countries with good economic growth, low inflation rates, sound economic and political stabilities. And I feel that is how investors recognize us, Indonesia. But, if we do not make it a priority to seize the opportunities, they will be missed.

We should be grateful this day. Our World Competitiveness Index has raised to 27th in 2024, thanks to many factors, including economic performance, as I said earlier, as well as Government’s efficiency. Moreover, business efficiency, enterprises efficiency, and readiness of the infrastructure in Indonesia were considered. These are our strength.

Now I am proud that at that time we have decided to develop the Batang Integrated Industrial Estate with an area of 400 hectares. It was the beginning. They were sold out. Then we developed another 400 hectares in the north of the toll road. And total area of 4,300 hectares is still in a plan. This will be a home for industries, factories that will create jobs for 250,000 workers, as mentioned by the Minister of Investment, to work in this industrial estate. It is our goal. We have to create high job opportunities for our people. Today, the investment value has reached Rp14 trillion, and it has absorbed approximately 19,000 workers. It’s just the beginning. Thus, I ordered Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment, Minister of Investment, all related ministers, and Board of Directors of this industrial estate to actively promote the industrial estate.

I noticed that the KCC Glass Cooperation will start its production in September. The global plastic pipes manufacture Wavin will also immediately start its production. The shoes factory has been operational and other factories will also be operational. It is our hope that the anode industry will be built in August this year and the cathode industry will also be built in September.  So, this will be an efficient, interesting industrial estate for investors that will create high job opportunities for our people.

That concludes my remarks on this auspicious occasion. By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I hereby officiate the Operational of the Batang Integrated Industrial Estate in Batang regency, Central Java province.

I thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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