Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of the Swissôtel Nusantara and Groundbreaking Ceremony of Nusantara Duty-Free Mall, Nusantara Capital (IKN), East Kalimantan Province, September 13, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 13 September 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon.
Peace be upon us.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

I would like to express my utmost appreciation for the construction of Swissôtel Nusantara, which was completed in nine months. At the time, under the consortium led by Mr. Aguan, they said to me, “Sir, this will be completed before August.” Please forgive me for not believing you at the time. However, after witnessing this, it is true what Mr. Ali said earlier, “If others cannot do it, please give it to me.” This [statement] holds true as we now have proof that within nine months, they completed a five-star, 191-room hotel. It was not an easy task, but Indonesia managed to achieve it.

Secondly, it is the Government’s duty to increase traffic at Nusantara Airport. Yesterday, I wanted to land at the new airport, but it was not feasible. It must be tested again with the same kind of airplane that we are using. So, we are still working on the landing and take-off trials of the planes, so indeed the plane we are flying with cannot land yet at the Nusantara Airport. Nevertheless, once this airport gets a lot of traffic, a lot of carriers, a lot of airlines that go up and down at the Nusantara Airport, things will get busy in the Nusantara Capital.

After all, what we are looking for here is, first, the crowds. It needs to be crowded so that we can build a city ecosystem. There are residents; there are people; there are hospitals; there are schools; there are hotels; there are malls. It is not easy, it takes time, but due to the trust that we have built, it seems that many investors and especially the consortium led by Mr. Aguan have seized the opportunity.

Second, on the commencement of the Nusantara Duty-Free Mall [construction], when this is completed and will be soon, it will also attract crowds in the Nusantara Capital. The hospitals are completed; the schools are completed; the malls are available; the road infrastructure is also sufficient; I believe this will attract crowds. And we would like to immediately encourage as many of our State Civil Apparatus to move to the Nusantara Capital. We want as many as possible, because the capital needs the crowds.

And once again, I really appreciate the investment made by the consortium. Hopefully the consortium will make a profit, and the capital will also make a profit. Both will profit and run together.

Thirdly, when the toll road is finished, it is expected to run from Balikpapan to the Balang Island bridge and from the bridge to the capital, which is expected to be completed by mid-2025. This will increase traffic due to the connectivity of Samarinda-Balikpapan and Balikpapan to the Nusantara Capital, further enlivening our capital city. That was the idea.

And once again, I want to provide as many opportunities as possible for private investment. This morning, I was informed by the Head of the Nusantara Capital [Authority] and the Deputy Head that 493 plots of two to three hectares of land have been prepared, which we will launch for more investment. Two hectares, three hectares, up to four hectares totaling 493 plots. It’s up to you whether you want a mix-used one, or an office one, but it will depend on the plot. For example, if the plot is for trade, then it is for trade; If it is for hotel, then it is for hotel; If it is for office, then it is for office. And next week, we will open it again so that new investments can come in. If later those from the 493 cannot do it, I will hand it over again to the consortium.

This concludes my remarks on this auspicious occasion. And, by saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I hereby inaugurate the Swissôtel Nusantara and commence the groundbreaking of the Nusantara Duty-Free Mall.

Thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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