Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of Tingkir Terminal, Paya Ilang Terminal, and Anak Air Terminal, Salatiga City, Central Java Province, December 13, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 13 Desember 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Distinguished Minister of Transportation, Chief of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI), Mayor of Salatiga, Regent of Central Aceh, Mayor of Padang,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Developing transportation facilities and infrastructure is vital to boost inter-city and inter-regional connectivity, support community mobility, and increase the comfort for land transportation users. Transportation facilities and infrastructure are increasingly important, especially when there is a surge in passengers. When there are not many passengers, the impact will not be evident, but once there is a surge in passengers, the impact will be palpable, such as during the holidays or before the year-end holidays like now.

And, today we are going to inaugurate three land transportation terminals. The first one is the Tingkir Type A Terminal in Salatiga City, Central Java Province. The second one is the Paya Ilang Terminal in Central Aceh Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. And the third one is the Anak Air Terminal in Padang City, West Sumatra Province.

The cost or budget spent on the Tingkir Terminal in Salatiga City is Rp34.8 billion and this terminal will provide as many as 235 bus services per day consisting of both inter-city inter-provincial (AKAP) buses and inter-city intra-provincial (AKDP) buses. The Paya Ilang Terminal in Central Aceh Regency, Aceh Province was built with a budget of Rp22 billion and will provide as many as 91 bus services per day consisting of AKAP and AKDP buses. And, the Anak Air Terminal in Padang City, West Sumatra Province was built with a budget of Rp94.8 billion and will provide 119 bus services per day.

If we look at these terminals, they are highly modern and equipped with comfortable facilities that make them not only function for boarding and disembarking passengers but also have other functions, such as MSME (micro, small and medium enterprises) activity centers, shopping centers, social activity centers, and others which can integrate other modes of transportation.

By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I hereby officially inaugurate Tingkir Type A Terminal in Salatiga City, Paya Ilang Terminal in Central Aceh Regency, and Anak Air Terminal in Padang City.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.



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