Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Launching Ceremony of Papua Football Academy, Lukas Enembe Stadium, Jayapura Regency, Papua Province, August 31, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 31 Agustus 2022
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Good morning,
May peace be upon us all,

Ladies and Gentlemen, my beloved children,

Good morning.

In November last year, after the opening of the National Games (PON), I invited President Director of PT Freeport Mr. Tony Wenas to come to the hotel. At that time I said to him: “Mr. President Director, I ask PT Freeport to make a commitment to human resource development in Papua, to maintain facilities used for the National Games, and I ask for a football academy to be established in Papua.” Today, the Papua Football Academy has been established.

We know that the land of Papua has given birth to great talents. The President Director has mentioned their names. Rully Nere, anyone knows Rully Nere? Oh, Mr. Rully is present here. We also have John Auri, right? Mr. Rully, please come to the stage.

We have another name, Apples Tecuari. I also remember another name, Alexander Pulalo. If he is present here, please come to the stage. We have also football players from younger generations like Boaz Solossa and Elie Aiboy. The next generation includes Ramai Rumakiek and, my favorite player, Ricky Kambuaya. In the past, when Mr. Rully played football, he had male and female fans, including [my wife] Ibu Jokowi.

If you want to be like them, to become the legends, the path is clear, my beloved children. We have the Papua Football Academy. It will facilitate you to accomplish your dream. Children will be trained with a good discipline, in regular exercises supported by reputable, qualified coaches.

To that end, I hope the children at the Papua Football Academy will make good use of this opportunity to elevate your skills at football.

The President Director has said that we have 30 children selected from 477 children. You are the chosen ones and you have talents. In addition to football training, we also provide formal education for all of you. We hope that you will become football players with self-confidence, good character, competitiveness, sportsmanship, and we hope that all of you will be smart students.

That concludes my remarks.

Mr. Rully, I hope the children will get an excellent training here. By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, this morning I officially launch the Papua Football Academy in the land of Papua.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
God bless us.
I thank you.


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