Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the National Conference of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday, January 16, 2025

By Humas     Date 16 Januari 2025
Category: Press Statement @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

May prosperity be upon us all,



Om swastiastu,

Namo buddhaya,

Greetings of virtue.


Distinguished Chairperson of KADIN Honorary Council and Organiser Chief Executive Rosan Perkasa Roeslani;

Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Anindya Bakrie;

Chairperson of the KADIN Consultation Council;

Attending Coordinating Ministers, Ministers, and Deputy Ministers of Red and White Cabinet;

Chairperson of KADIN Advisory Council, Chairperson of KADIN Business Advisory Council, attending KADIN prominent figures;

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Wisnu Wardhana, Mr. Edhie Baskoro, Mr. Bambang Soesatyo;

All KADIN officials, distinguished attendees and invitees, distinguished KADIN Businesspersons and Prominent Figures.


Let us, as devout individuals, send our praise and gratitude to Allah Swt, God the Greatest, God the Almighty, for blessing us with health and the opportunity to gather in this great room and to attend the closing ceremony of a National Conference of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN).

I would like to congratulate KADIN that have successfully held this national conference. It has always been our hope that every element of our nation is able to maintain unity, harmony, and mutual support.

I have said many times in many occasions that amidst geopolitical, geoeconomic, and global geostrategic dynamics, the competitions among economic blocs, among super powers are becoming increasingly fierce. Being in the competitions requires all nation’s elements to be more cautious, especially for a nation such as Indonesia.

It has been probably three months since I began to lead the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. The more I understand about our economy, the more I feel confident, I feel optimistic, I believe, I am sure that we will achieve even higher than 8 percent of growth.

Maybe a lot of people sneer at one of Indonesian elites’ flaws, which is lacking of confidence. Isn’t it so? They take pleasure in seeing someone caught in difficult situation, and they find it difficult to see someone else is happy, this is our character that must be corrected, maybe it is because we were colonized for such a long time, isn’t it so? So, we lack of confidence and we lack of courage.

Once I started to lead, assisted by my ministers, I am positive that we can make big surprises in the upcoming weeks and months. It turns out that what I have talked about corresponds to the numbers. Mind you, Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe in science, I believe in mathematics and physics.

It is difficult to manipulate scientific numbers. As long as we make reasonable calculation, then two plus two is four. It is just that sometimes in Indonesian politics, two plus two can be four and a half, five, or three, but it is not scientific. Whenever we do not use our common sense, whenever we do not calculate based on our logic, it will cause distortion and disfunction.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to say and we are all aware that Indonesia has abundant resources, but many times, we do not manage the resources well and wisely, and often, we tend to waste it. As businesspersons, you should be more aware of it. Companies that perform inefficiently, companies that do not perform seriously will not survive. If the spending is higher that the income, they will be bankrupt. There is no organization that can survive if its spending is higher than its income.

Therefore, I am determined to lead an efficient government. I understand that many people do not believe that it is achievable, I understand. I understand that every organization, every institution, especially the one that commits inefficient practices and wasteful actions many years, tends to cheat on its leader.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I have said it many times since I am truly an Indonesian. I understand well such cheating behaviors. So, I have seen the proves. Now, I believe more and I am sure that Indonesia has the ability to rise by performing efficiently and orderly, and also having discipline if we can manage our resources, and we are determined to manage our resources to a large extent for the importance of Indonesian nation and people.

I think that is my key message, Ladies and gentlemen. The policies that I have formulated together with the Government and my ministers, the policies that we have formulated are merely for the importance of the Indonesian nation and people. No others’ importance, no other orientations. Therefore, for the importance of the nation, the country, and the people, we have no doubts, we are going to carry them out to the best of our ability.

I think that is the main point. So, I am very happy, I congratulate KADIN figures. You have played an important role in running Indonesian economy.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to give a more significant role to the private sector. Some people say that I call off infrastructure projects. It is not true, I do not call them off, I change them. I would give the infrastructure projects to the private sector to carry them out. The private sector can do it more efficiently, more innovatively, and more experienced. Ladies and gentlemen, so, maybe for toll roads, seaports, airports, I will let the private sector to carry it out.

I have said that the Government will focus on the most important and essential things concerning people protection and etc. However, the projects that can be carried out by the private sector will be handled by the private sector to make it develop, work, and so on.

I think, those are the main points. Our targets are getting more obvious. We have planned to achieve food self-sufficiency in the next four years, but then, we will be surprised because under four years, we manage to achieve food self-sufficiency. So do we in terms of energy self-sufficiency. Maybe we, not many countries in the world that have green energy, will have solid and substantial renewable energies. In other sectors, I think it is all good. We will invest massively this year.

I think those are my main points. It has been just three months. Please wait and be patient. Maybe in the fifth or sixth month, you will understand that we are not going to do business as usual. There is no business as usual. We are now running fast, we will move as fast as we can.

The current issue is we have to prepare the human resources, we have to prepare the personnel, we have to prepare the young managers, a clever and earnest young generation. If they are just clever, but not being earnest, it will be dangerous. We want a young generation who are clever and nationalist. Through hard work, Indonesia will rise in every aspect.

That concludes my remarks. Thank you, Mr. Rosan. Thank you, Mr. Arsjad. Thank you Mr. Anindya and all groups. Competition is good, disagreement is fine, but at this moment, the country needs unity and oneness. The leaders should be united. It does not matter who is going to be the number one, number two, or number three. Everyone may have a turn. Right? Correct? You all think that being a president is pleasant, right? A president must not catch flu, do you know that?

That concludes my remarks. Happy working, KADIN. We need a dynamic KADIN, bold and innovative businesspeople, right? Cooperation, Indonesia incorporated, ladies and gentlemen. We create a healthy competition, not an unhealthy one. So, businesspeople should compete, and together we can achieve people’s welfare. We should aim for welfare. The people need welfare. The businesspeople will lead in aiming for the welfare, ladies and gentlemen.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Happy working, KADIN. Keep fighting. Show your leadership to the people who put their hope on you.


Thank you.

This concludes my statement.


Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

May prosperity be upon us all,



Om shanti shanti shanti om,

Namo buddhaya.


Thank you.


Merdeka! (Greetings of independence!)


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