Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the National Prayer for the 78th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence Day at Merdeka Palace Courtyard, DKI Jakarta Province, August 1, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 1 Agustus 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Distinguished Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia and Spouse;

Distinguished all Kyai (Islamic teachers) and Spouses, Habib, Religious Scholars, Religious Leaders, Ulemas, Ministers, and Islamic students.

Alhamdulillahi rabbil ’alamin, let us express our profound gratitude to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, for his mercy and blessing so we can attend the National Prayer today.

As the Vice President earlier said, we have received a great blessing from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala so we have been able to escape COVID-19. Let us not forget to be grateful for escaping the fearful situation we were facing at that time. I, the Vice President, and the ministers, couldn’t even wonder, when would COVID-19 come to an end? There were ambulances with wailing sirens. The Delta variant outpaced the Omicron variant and other variants rose. We couldn’t predict it; all we could do is make efforts and be reliant on God. It was just a virus, called COVID-19; the pain is real, but the virus is invisible.

In the beginning of the spread of COVID-19, we had not anticipated the global economic impact. The global economic impact was extraordinary. However, we have to be grateful, alhamdulillah, we are able to maintain our economy during post COVID-19 pandemic and return to normal rapidly. Alhamdulillah. Because, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to let you know that until now there are already 96 countries that have become “the patients” of the IMF. We were once “one of the patients” of the IMF in 97/98s. At that time, the crisis was only in less than 10 countries. Now there are 96 countries that need helps from the IMF. Let there be no applause.

The Vice President also earlier said that there were energy crisis and food crisis everywhere. After experiencing COVID-19 crisis, we were facing economic crisis and the effect of war in Ukraine. Approximately 130 million tons of wheat were not able to be exported from Russia and 70 million tons of wheat were also not able to be exported from Ukraine thus wheat prices were rising and there was a shortage of food in many countries.

Energy sector experienced the same. Gas and oil prices increased due to the war. In Europe, in one of the countries, gas prices spiked by 700 percent. Once again, 700 percent. Here, gasoline price increased by 10-20 percent, people held protests for three months. Ladies and Gentlemen, you can imagine that.

Once again, alhamdulillah. We have to be grateful. Don’t forget to express gratitude for the blessings given by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala to our nation, Indonesia.

All of these can be achieved, can be attained, thanks to the hard work of all components of our nation. Thanks to the spirit of mutual cooperation from all layers of our society. We remember, during COVID-19, everyone worked together, food were sent to patients in self-isolation, I remember that. Those who were sick were isolated at home but their neighbors sent them fruits. Thanks to the spirit of mutual cooperation from all layers of our society, we can handle COVID-19. Of course, we would not succeed without our resilience, patience, and reliance on God in facing the challenges. And the mainstay of all of it is our trust in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. Let us make efforts (ikhtiyar), be reliant on God (tawakkul-trusting God’s plan).

And, we also have another reason to be grateful. I have read a news article. I read that based on an international survey, once again an international survey, 96 percent of the Indonesian population believein God and the figure is the highest in the world. Alhamdulillah, it’s the highest in the world, surpassing other countries, whether in Africa, Europe, America, or even the Middle East. In Turkey, the figure is 75 percent, while ours is 96 percent. This is one of our strong basis as a nation, our belief in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. If we belief in God, we will have good morals and values in order to have the strength to face various problems. Future challenges will be more increasingly complex and numerous. If we belief in God, we will have a guiding principle in our life.

Earlier, the Vice President also mentioned that it is important to do good deeds, show respect to each other, helping one another, and strengthening our hablum minallah (notion relationship between humans and God) and hablum minannas (the relationship among human beings), while keeping us away from things that are not good, things that are bad.

I would like to express my gratitude to all religious scholars (kyai), ulemas, religious leaders, regional leaders, our teachers, our parents, and all components of the nation who have continuously introduced, taught, and guide our children, our younger generation to keep believing in God, in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. the Government will continue realizing a good, tolerant, valuable religious life in the country as mandated in the 1945 Constitution.

Let us maintain our solidarity, our tolerance, mutual respect, as well as mutual aid among each other so that this nation will become a nation [whose people] are united, an advanced nation, and become a nation that has a good land as well as blessed by God (baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafur).

Today is the first day of August, the first day of the Independence month. It serves as a manifestation of our gratitude for the blessing of independence given by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. I invite all kyai, habib, religious scholars, religious leaders, and students who are present, as well as all elements of the society attending the event virtually, to together worship and pray. Let us ask for Allah’s pleasure. Ask for His protection and blessings so that our nation will continue to make progress to achieve Advanced Indonesia. And, let us fill this independence with hard work and optimism to realize the Golden Indonesia [vision] in 2045.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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