Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Opening of Bahaupm Bide Bahana Gathering of Tariu Borneo Bangkule Rajakng (Dayak Traditional Troops), at Rumah Radakng, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan Province, November 29, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 29 November 2022
Category: Remarks @en
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Good morning!
Good morning!
Good morning!
Adil ka’ talino, bacuramin ka’ saruga, basengat ka’ jubata, [traditional greeting of Dayak ethnic group],

Distinguished Cabinet Secretary, Police Chief, Governor of West Kalimantan, Regional Leaders Forum (Forkopimda), Mayor of Pontianak;
Pangalangok Jilah (Commander of Tariu Borneo Bangkule Rajakng) Agustinus;
Distinguished prominent figures from Dayak tribe, Mangku (leader) of Commander of Tariu Borneo Bangkule Rajakng (TBBR);
Distinguished TBBR Red Troops;
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Distinguished Guests,

I am delighted and honored to be here to stay in touch and meet with the family of Tariu Borneo Bangkule Rajakng on today’s amicable and auspicious gathering.

First of all, on this auspicious occasion, allow me to deliver my highest gratitude and appreciation to the people of Kalimantan, particularly Dayak tribe, for their support in the development of New Capital of Nusantara (IKN) in Kalimantan. Since we will develop the IKN in the island of Kalimantan, support from Dayak tribe is really needed.

Do you truly support the development?

Do you? For New Capital of Nusantara (IKN) in Kalimantan?

Thank you.

I am also glad to hear your answers to my questions, “Where do you come from?” “From Sintang.” “Where do you come from?” “From Melawi.” “Where do you come from?” “From Badau.” “Where do you come from?” “From Nanga Badau.” It is far from here. Some of you must take eight-hour ride, four hours, while some others have arrived here at dawn. Am I correct? It shows your high spirit.

We understand that Indonesia is a big nation. We are diverse in ethnic groups. Our diversity is very rich; there are 714 ethnic groups. There are Dayak, Javanese, Sundanese, Sasak, Batak, and others ethic groups.

Dayak, as an ethnic group, has many sub ethnic groups. I could not remember each one of them since there are 406 sub ethnic groups. There is Dayak Iban, am I correct? Please correct me if I’m wrong. There is Dayak Kanayatn, Dayak Kayan, Dayak Lawangan, Dayak Kendayan, and others. I could not remember all since there are 406 sub ethnic groups of Dayak. What does it mean? Our country is very big. We often do not realize it.

Most importantly, the current and future leaders of Indonesia must realize that Indonesia is a diverse country and learn how diverse and different Indonesia is. We take diversity as our national great capital, right? This is the principle of Indonesia’s leaders. As a big country, we must understand about diversity. Diversity and differences are strength not weakness. Diversity is our strength, not our weakness.

Therefore, differences do not need to be divisive. Differences are our strength. Differences will not weaken instead it strengthens us. We should not be divided just because we’re coming from different ethnicities or sub ethnic groups. In fact, diversity is our strength.

I’m also glad that you really preserve our culture, preserve the culture of Dayak. Don’t ever forget about our culture. Don’t forget about it. We must preserve our culture, together, so that our culture can be preserved well. Agree? Agree? Agree?

Third, considering next year we will enter political year. There is only one year left to February 2024 when elections will be held including legislative election, presidential and vice presidential elections. I call on all of you to maintain our political stability, agree? Do not cause a friction, prevent the friction and conflict. Please be careful. Once again, we are diverse in ethnic groups, 714 groups; it is a lot.  Do not cause a friction in the upcoming political year. Everyone should maintain stability and security. This country must be secure, agree? Thus, the Government can maintain and increase our economic growth.

I think that was my remarks on this auspicious occasion. Today, I open Bahaupm Bide Bahana Tariu Borneo Bangkule Rajakng. Because Indonesians speak 1,300 dialects, pardon me if I say it wrong.

I thank you.
That concludes my remarks.
Good morning!


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