Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Opening of Commemoration of Eight Years of National Strategic Projects, at Kota Kasablanka Hall, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, September 13, 2023
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.
Good afternoon,
May peace be upon us all,
Om swastiastu,
Namo Buddhaya,
Greeting of virtue.
Distinguished heads of state institutions;
Distinguished Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs who chairs the Committee for the Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Delivery (KPPIP), ministers, governors, regents, mayors, Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), businesspeople and partners in development, rectors of universities in attendance, Commander of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI), the National Police Chief,
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
When I saw Chairperson of KADIN taking picture on the stage, the photo came out good. The next person, Minister [of Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR)/ Head of] BPN (National Land Agency) also took great picture on the stage. When Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs who is also Chairperson of KPPIP taking the stage, the color of the background was changed into yellow. At first, I had no idea why it changed. I just realized that we are now entering political year, so the color represents that he is the Chairperson of Golkar party. I want to say it bluntly to you that Pak Airlangga is the Chairperson of Golkar party.
First of all, I would like to deliver my appreciation to the Committee for the Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Delivery (KPPIP) and all parties involved, who have been working hard to guard and resolve infrastructure development-related issues, particularly in National Strategic Projects. Please bear in mind that it is not an easy task. We just know the results of development such as toll roads, dams, airports, seaports, and power plants without noticing complicated problems arose on the ground, namely land acquisition.
In all development projects that were showed earlier, there is the main issue namely land acquisition. Since the Minister [of Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR)/ Head of] BPN is former Commander of TNI, the process of land acquisition became easier. It became easier. If Pak Hadi works on the land acquisition issue on the ground, it will be resolved. If he acts as calm as a millpond, the land acquisition would be completed. I personally want to give my highest appreciation to the BPN since Indonesia must issue land certificates to 126 million plot of land.
I remember there was only 46 million of certified land in 2015. It means there are still 80 million plot of land to be certified. Based on my observation on how many certificates issued per year, the answer is 500,000. What does it mean? Our people must wait for 160 years to get their own certificate. That’s right, [there are] 80 million [plots of land], while land certificates issued per year only reached 500,000, meaning that we must wait 160 years to be completed.
I think we have to give a big round of applause to Pak Hadi. He mentioned that 106 million out of 126 million plots of land have been certified. Hopefully, all 126 million plots of land can be certified by 2024. If it cannot be realized, it can be done by the next president. It can be done within a year, I guess.
Therefore, it will also speed up the completion of ongoing projects if legal certificates are guaranteed. I know that we must be detail-oriented during work. It is impossible to complete all projects if we don’t work in detail. The projects presented in the slideshow earlier are only a small part of the all projects. Even if we have the budget, we cannot complete the project if we don’t work in detail, don’t observe the work on the ground, and don’t work in swift manner.
I always remind all to seek solution to any issue. If there is misunderstanding, clarify it immediately to the public. However, miscommunication sometime becomes the problem. I noticed that some projects are halted. In fact, the problem is minor but it still needs power to resolve it. Therefore, I am present.
In the past eight years, we have completed 161 major national strategic projects and absorbed a work force of 11 million people. More importantly, it has boosted Indonesia’s competitiveness. Based on International Institute for Management Development (IMD), our competitiveness index in 2022 jumped from 44 to 34. An increase of 10 (ranking) is the world’s highest increase. One of the reasons is because we have built many infrastructures.
Thus, I call for completion of other National Strategic Projects by the first semester of 2024. It must be completed by that date. Please monitor it. Monitor the construction. The construction should not halt. Monitor it carefully, identify any issues, set target completion date. If a problem arises, if an issue arises, be it in terms of land or budget or permit, please talk it out and seek innovative solutions.
I always remind you not to use repressive approaches to the local residents. They will satisfy with compensation [in land acquisition]. They will receive appropriate compensation since we offer them the best price. Let me reiterate that the objective of PSN is to bring benefits to the people, not to harm them.
I also have discussed the issue in Rempang. Last night, at midnight, I talked to National Police Chief by phone. It is only a miscommunication. An official gave wrong information. We already gave compensation, land, and house but maybe the location is not ideal. That problem must be solved. The President should not be the one to resolve it.
If there is a problem that cannot be resolved, please report it to the related director general or minister. Don’t always say everything is good or everything is on track while there is a problem. First, you said everything is good but later at the final stage; you will apologize for not being able to complete the project.
Usually, we will discuss in a meeting with minister, National Police Chief, and Commander of TNI when we find an issue. If we find a solution, the issue will be solved. We will find solution to any issue. I am optimistic that the construction of PSN can be completed because you have the experience in solving issues. We only need to complete the ongoing projects.
By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I officially open the Infrastructure Forum and Edutainment Expo.
I thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.