Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Opening of the 144th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) General Assembly and Related Meetings, at the Bali International Convention Center (BICC), Badung Regency, Bali Province, March 20, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 Maret 2022
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Good evening,
Peace and prosperity be upon us,
Om Swastiastu,
Namo Buddhaya,
Greetings of virtue.

Honorable Speaker and Leaders of the House of Representatives;
Honorable Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court;
Honorable Parliamentary Speakers of the IPU members;

His Excellency President of the IPU Mr. Duarte Pacheco, delegates of IPU member countries, Ambassadors of friendly countries, Governor of Bali;
Ladies and Gentlemen.

In the future, the global challenges we face will not get easier but seem to be getting harder. In the beginning, we always talked about technological disruption because of the industrial revolution 4.0. Then, the regulations always failed to catch up to the pace of technological change. A problem has not been resolved yet a second one befalls us, namely the COVID-19 pandemic, which also disrupts all things that we never thought possible. And now, we experience energy scarcity, rising food prices, container scarcity to send existing logistics, and rising inflation in almost all countries so people find it difficult to afford the rising prices.

However, let us not forget that we will face something terrible if we do not dare to mobilize policies both in parliaments and in governments, that is, climate change. We have often discussed and decided upon it in various global meetings but actions on the ground have not been seen yet.

Let me give you example: energy transition from fossil energy to new renewable energy, from coal energy to renewable energy. It looks easy but in practice, it is something that is very difficult to do on the ground, particularly for developing countries. So, what we must discuss and mobilize is climate funding. We have to resolve it immediately. Second, investments in renewable energy. Third, related to transfer of technology. If we do not take action, I am pessimistic that climate change can be prevented.

In Indonesia, for example, we have enormous potential for renewable energy. For hydropower resources, Indonesia has 4,400 rivers. The potential is enormous. We have geothermal resources with a potential of 29,000 megawatts. Wind, great potential. Underwater currents, great potential. Solar energy, abundant potential. However, it requires substantial investments, the transfer of technology, and global climate funding supported by the international communities. If we only talk about it year after year and there is still no mobilization, no decision, I am pessimistic that climate change can be prevented at all.

I highly appreciate it if all parliaments of the IPU member countries can mobilize together with the governments so that a decision will emerge, a real and concrete action emerges so that it can be implemented on the ground.

That concludes my remarks. By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I hereby officially open the 144th Inter-Parliamentary Union General Assembly and Related Meetings.

I thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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