Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Retreat Session of the 43rd ASEAN Summit, Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta, September 5, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 5 September 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Your Majesty,

Your Excellencies ASEAN Leaders,

I declare the retreat session open.

There are two issues that will be our concern on this occasion, namely the implementation of Five-Point Consensus and ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.

Related to the implementation of Five-Point Consensus, I would like you to bear in mind that the Five-Point Consensus is a collective effort of ASEAN as a family that has been approved by ASEAN Leaders in Jakarta on April 24, 2021. And, Five-Point Consensus will remain as ASEAN’s major guidelines.

Indonesia has had engagements in a very intensive manner, reaching more than 145 engagements with 70 stakeholders in nine months, and Indonesia views that the trust between one stakeholder and the others exists, except with the Military Junta.

This is the time for ASEAN to continue to encourage an inclusive national dialogue as a key to settle political crisis that is Myanmar-owned and Myanmar-led. Additionally, ASEAN’s humanitarian assistance is still provided through AHA Centre. However, the process we have to take is still very long. Therefore, for the sake of ASEAN family, we must be brave to evaluate ourselves, discuss problems openly, and find solutions together.

We need a more tactical and extraordinary effort to implement Five-Point Consensus. Also, related to the Indo-Pacific cooperation, ASEAN Indo-Pacific Forum, as a concrete form of ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific has drawn attention of governments and private sector. I hope that we can continue to carry on the implementation.

We will now proceed to the closing session, and the media crew may please leave the meeting room.

I thank you.


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