Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Special Plenary Session of the 2022 Supreme Court Annual Report, February 23, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 23 Februari 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

May peace be upon us all.

Distinguished Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Chief Justice of the Supreme court, Deputy Chief Justices and Ad Hoc Judges,

Distinguished heads and members of state institutions,

Distinguished Heads of the Supreme Courts of friendly countries,

Your Excellencies Ambassadors of friendly countries, ministers,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today and moving forward, the Supreme Court and courts under it are facing more difficult challenges, especially in responding to the people’s expectation to get verdicts that guarantee legal justice and legal certainty. These challenges must be overcome by making improvements, by making sustainable and continuous reforms so that the people’s trust increases, especially the trust of those who seek justice from the Supreme Court and the courts under it. Thus, the Supreme Court becomes the last fortress of justice seekers.

I hope the Supreme Court continues to make concrete and sustainable actions to enhance capabilities, to improve quality, and to maintain the integrity of judges. I hope it cooperates with the Judicial Commission to maintain and uphold the honor, the dignity, and the attitude of judges by enhancing the tracking system, taking follow-up actions on the follow-up status, and evaluating the recommendation the Judicial Commission gives to the Supreme Court. Disciplinary and performance evaluation sanctions need to be imposed on judges who violate codes of conduct. Rotation and monitoring need to continue to be carried out to maintain professionalism and integrity, and to prevent judges from judicial misconducts, such as case-fixing practices. Rewards and punishments are also needed in line with the meritocracy principles.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

I also continue to encourage the Supreme Court to modernize public service through innovation and technology, so it will save time to provide justice effectively and efficiently.

That concludes my statement on this auspicious occasion.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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