Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia During Inauguration of Leuwipanjang Terminal and Banjar Terminal, in Bandung City, West Java Province, February 3, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 3 Februari 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamua’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Good afternoon,
May prosperity be upon us all.

Distinguished Minister of Transportation, Acting Governor of West Java, Mayor of Bandung, Mayor of Banjar, and Heads of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and Region-Owned Enterprises (ROEs);
Distinguished Chair of the House of Representatives Commission V in attendance.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Esteemed Guests.

The bus terminal has always left a bad impression, with the reality on the ground being rundown, untidy, and filled with many thugs, that’s the perception. However, if we take a look at the Leuwipanjang Terminal in Bandung city today, which was constructed with a budget of Rp70 billion, it’s really impressive. The idea is to encourage people to switch back to using public transportation on a large scale, steering away from private vehicles and cars, which often lead to traffic congestion if we still keep using them, as we commonly experience in our daily lives. For instance, in Jakarta and Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) alone, we lose almost Rp100 trillion annually due to traffic jams. While I’m uncertain about the traffic situation in Bandung city, it’s evident that traffic congestion is a prevalent issue in almost all cities.

I appreciate this development, and hopefully, it will encourage people to shift back to using public transportation, whether it’s buses, trains, or, as in Jakarta, the MRT, LRT, Commuter Line train (KRL), and fast trains. This will significantly alleviate the congestion on our roads.

That concludes my remarks on this auspicious occasion. Both Leuwipanjang Terminal and Banjar Terminal are expected to enhance community mobility, including inter-city and intra-city.

That concludes my remarks. And by saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, this afternoon I hereby inaugurate Leuwipanjang Terminal in Bandung city and Banjar Terminal in Banjar city, West Java Province.

Thank you,
Wassalamua’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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