Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia During the 2045 Golden Student and Santri (Islamic Boarding School Students) Convocation Ceremony, in Wonosobo Regency, Central Java Province, January 22, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 22 Januari 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Alhamdulillahirrabbil alamin wassalatu wassalamu ala asrofil anbiyain wal mursalin sayidina wa habibina wasyafiina wa maulana Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sohbihi aj ma’in amma ba’du. [This is introduction of speech in Islamic fashion]

Distinguished Romo (Catholic priest), Kiai (Muslim clerics), and all the ulemas in attendance;
Here with me today are Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), who has a passion for drumming, and Minister of Health;
I also want to introduce you to someone who may not be known to the entire extended family of the Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU). This is Mrs. Iriana, or Mrs. Jokowi, alright.
Distinguished Chairperson of the Central Leadership of the Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (PP IPNU) Muhammad Agil Nuruz Zaman and all the management, the Quran teachers in attendance, and all Islamic boarding school students;

Ladies and Gentlemen. Esteemed Guests.

Alhamdulillah, we can directly meet this afternoon. I departed from the Palace around 10 minutes to 5. After leaving the Palace, I traveled from Halim to Solo, arriving at around 7 o’clock. From Solo, I proceeded to Salatiga for two events. Then, I headed towards Magelang Regency, but as we approached Jogja, we passed through Muntilan. After Muntilan, we continued to Magelang and then to Temanggung for another event. Subsequently, we traveled to Wonosobo for yet another event, which involved the distribution of land certificates. Currently, I am attending the 2045 Golden Student and Santri Conference, simultaneously participating in a gathering with Quran teachers from across Java, organized by the extended family of IPNU. I apologize for arriving a bit late, as we encountered traffic jams in Magelang, Temanggung, and Wonosobo. Despite the delays caused by congestion, we’ve managed to reach our destination.

Dear brothers and sisters, students from the extended family of IPNU, the global landscape in the future will pose significant challenges. The competition will intensify, both between nations and individuals. As students in the productive age group, Indonesia will find itself in a demographic bonus position by the 2030s. Oh, let’s pause for a while for the call to prayer.

Continuing on, in the 2030s, we will enter the demographic bonus phase, where 68 percent of Indonesia’s population will be in the productive age group, leading to the peak of national productivity. This represents an opportunity that typically arises only once in a country’s development. Therefore, we must seize this favorable opportunity. As a vast nation, if we can effectively capitalize on this opportunity in the 2030s, we can propel Indonesia towards becoming a developed and economically robust country. By 2045, Indonesia will mark the Golden Indonesia 2045 milestone. This is what we must collectively prepare for.

We are aware that we have 36 thousand Islamic boarding schools, a staggering number that represents an extraordinary strength, given the millions of students they accommodate. Consequently, Islamic boarding school students and students have a significant opportunity to contribute to our nation’s advancement across various fields and regions. The Government is deeply committed to enhancing the quality of human resources, underscoring its enthusiasm for this endeavor.

Therefore, I urge students to excel in the fields of science, technology, and innovation, enabling us to succeed in both national and individual competitions. Without such mastery, achieving the status of a developed nation becomes challenging.

I am delighted to see the high spirits among students and Islamic boarding school students this evening. The enthusiasm displayed in participating in this event shows that the character quality we possess is resilient and enduring. I believe that IPNU encompasses all of these traits.

And, we are aware that today we are amidst rapid changes and disruptions. Everything around us is evolving swiftly, and we must be adept at adapting, sometimes within a matter of hours or even seconds. We are also contending with the rapid pace of technological advancements, which impact not only urban areas but also rural and remote regions.

Hence, it is imperative that we acquire new knowledge and skills rapidly to stay abreast of developments and harness technology for the betterment of society. I urge students and Islamic boarding school students to adapt swiftly, grasp knowledge and technology, and foster innovation and creativity to enhance the nation’s competitiveness.

Islamic boarding school students and students should serve as role models for the younger generation of Indonesia, demonstrating love for the nation, unity, and the promotion of tolerant, moderate, and friendly Islam. Looking ahead, as we approach the upcoming democratic fiesta and elections, I encourage all santri and students to actively participate, exercise their voting rights responsibly, and contribute to the nation’s progress.

That concludes my remarks.

Thank you.

Wasssalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.



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