Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia During the Groundbreaking of 50 Megawatt IKN Solar Power Plant, North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province, November 2, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 2 November 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Good afternoon,
Peace and prosperity be upon us.

Distinguished ministers, attending with me, Minister of State Secretary, Minister of SOEs;
Honorable Head of Nusantara Capital Authority, Governor of East Kalimantan,  Regent of North Penajam Paser;
My Honorable Friend, Mr. Ridwan Kamil;
Honorable President Director of State Electricity Company (PLN), President Commissioner, and all board of directors and commissioners;
Ladies and gentlemen.

Initially, the most common question I was asked about regarding IKN was about child-related questions, “Sir, where will my children go to school if I move?” The second question was, “Sir, if our family is sick, where is the hospital?” But, all of them have been answered.

The groundbreaking for the Nusantara Intercultural School, which will be built by JIS Jakarta, began yesterday. And, there are also schools to be built by the Government, by Ministry of Education and Culture. The question on schools is answered.

Then, the issue of hospitalization. “Sir, where should we go if we are sick?” We have also started with the groundbreaking of four hospitals. As of today, there are four hospitals. I think that’s plenty. So, if our family members are sick, the hospital is available.

Well, the third question now. This is a very important one that is asked now by households and also investors, “Sir, is there electricity? Is it available or not? You say green energy, where is it?” This afternoon, the answer is here.

We will carry out the groundbreaking of the construction of a solar power plant with a capacity of 50 Megawatt. This is a pioneer of renewable energy plants in IKN. Earlier, the President Director said, “Sir, the capacity can still be increased if it is still needed.” It’s okay to take it gradually. It is most important to fulfill the demand. The demand must be met, that is the priority.

Secondly, my order is that from the beginning, the cables should not be visible to the eye. They should all be ground cables, install the underground ducting. Why are we developing a good capital if the cable is still above the ground? What do you think, Mr. President Director? I will take notes. This solar power plant will produce green energy of around 93 gigawatt/hour per year and reduce emissions by 104,000 tons of CO2 per year .

Distinguished guests,
This solar power plant shows the Government’s commitment to providing a reliable, environmentally friendly electricity system to fulfill the electricity needs in IKN. The use of renewable energy in IKN is in line with the development concept of IKN, which is a state capital with a forest city concept, one that is green and environmentally friendly. In addition to utilizing our solar power, the President Director also said that he would utilize the hydro potential around IKN. I don’t know, whether from rivers or lakes. And, thus, the electricity system in IKN will be based on renewable energy. That way, we will not only be able to produce reliable electricity, but also clean electricity that will not harm the environment.

I believe this concludes my remarks this afternoon. And, by saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I officially commence the groundbreaking of the 50-Megawatt IKN Solar Power Plant.

I thank you,
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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