Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia During the Handover of Electronic Land Certificates to the People at Tawang Alun Sports Center, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province, April 30, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 30 April 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Distinguished Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Governor of East Java Province, Regent of Banyuwangi Regency,

Ladies and Gentlemen, all certificate recipients whom I respect, love and care about.

Have you all received this? Raise the certificate, raise it, raise it. This is what the Minister of ATR/BPN announced earlier. In Banyuwangi, 10,300 e-land certificates were distributed, certificates for 10,300 plots of land have been issued. Wait a minute. I have yet to count this. Raise it again; I’ll count it. I’ll count  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,… 10,300, right? If I don’t count, all of you gather here, but maybe you haven’t received the certificates.

And, so that you all know, Ladies and Gentlemen, the certificate now looks like this. This is the newest certificate, called an electronic certificate. If the image on the screen earlier looked a bit thick, it was the old certificate. The new certificate looks like this, it contains all the information about the plot of land, rights ownership, and the address. This is the current certificate of ownership, and it’s much sleeker compared to the old version. So, please don’t compare it to your neighbors’ thick certificate. Mine is just one sheet and it’s the latest electronic certificate.

I keep my promise, right? Have you all now accepted it? This is the biggest land redistribution across Indonesia, here in Banyuwangi. Some were previously forest land, while some were  HGU (Right to Cultivate) land, all of which have been handed over to all of you, Ladies and Gentlemen. Are you happy or not? Are you satisfied or not? Who isn’t happy? Please raise your hand, and I’ll give you a bicycle. If you don’t get a certificate, raise your hands, and I’ll give you a bike. Are you happy? You haven’t held a certificate since 1938, have you? That means 85 years without holding a certificate.

If someone has a plot of land but doesn’t have a certificate, they are going to lose if there is a dispute. You will lose because you don’t hold anything. You do not hold this. Since you do not hold this, what will you say and do? But if you have this certificate, when some people claim it’s theirs, [you can say] no, I have certificate of this land. Here’s the certificate; the size is written there, and the image is displayed here. Yes, they definitely will go. This issue is crucial. Throughout my ten-year presidency, when I visited regions, villages, and hamlets the issues that were raised were regarding land disputes and conflicts. Because of what? Many people did not possess a land certificate.

After I checked with the BPN, it was correct. Of the 126 million people who should have land certificates, only 46 million people have them; how many are left? There are still 80 million people throughout the country who still do not have land certificates. I checked again with BPN. How many certificates can be issued in a year? Five hundred thousand [certificates]. That means you’re waiting; if there are still 80 million [certificates] to be issued, but in a year only 500 thousand [certificates] can be issued, it means you’re waiting 160 years. Do you want to or not? Want to or not? Who wants to wait 160 years? Come forward, I’ll give you a bicycle. One hundred sixty years of waiting, I was shocked, too. Wow, this can’t be like this. So, I instructed the Minister of BPN straightaway, “By all means, I ask for more than 10 million [certificates] a year.” Finally, the Minister of BPN can do it. Finally, especially with the current technology, electronic certificates like this are superfast. With digitalization, the process is even faster.

Earlier, the Minister of BPN mentioned that they have been dealing with the issue of land mafia, and their efforts have significantly reduced the influence of the land mafia, as most people now have land certificates. The Minister mentioned that possibly 126 million certificates will be completed this year. If everything goes smoothly, the new President will handle the remaining few millions next year. Hopefully, there will be only 3 million or at most 6 million left to be completed next year. It’s fortunate that everything might be completed this year as the Minister is still young.

Yes? If you already have the certificate, I know that you are going to use it as loan collateral. Admit it. Who will use it as collateral? Are you planning to use the certificate as collateral for a loan? It’s okay to bring it to the bank as a guarantee. The land is ample, go to the bank, want to borrow from the bank, and get Rp30 million. However, it’s indeed a loan.. Thank God, thank God, you have money, right?  But then you look at the neighbor, how come their motorcycle is new? Then you start to spend Rp15 million to purchase a motorcycle, leaving only Rp15 million for work. It is simply impossible to pay the installments, it’s just impossible.

If you receive a loan of Rp30 million, make sure to invest the entire amount in your business’s working capital. Avoid using the funds to purchase consumable items like motorcycles, TVs, or refrigerators. Once your business starts making a profit, you can save and spend on such items. Remember, any such purchases should come from the profits, not the principal loan amount, to buy them directly. Do you agree or not? I trust you to make the right decisions. So you could use the certificate as collateral for the bank, once you have the loan money, ensure that 100 percent of it is dedicated to your business capital. I hope you remember my words, okay?

Does anyone here remember Pancasila? If so, please come forward, and I’d love to give you bicycles. Wow, it’s great to see so many hands raised. Show me your hands if you know Pancasila!  I thought this lady was faster, please come forward. Sir, can you come down but do not jump and please join us a little closer, ma’am.

Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Wait a minute, you start talking before I tell you to do so, please introduce your name


Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)

Yes, my name is Mrs. Supami. I come from Termejo village, Sumber Jambi hamlet, Bangurejo district.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

What is your name, Ma’am? Who?

Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)

Mrs. Supami.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Mrs. Supami, you have hold the certificate, haven’t you?



Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)

Yes, I have.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Yes, are you considering using the certificate as collateral for a bank loan?

Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)

No, I am not, God willing.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

No? Have you kept it? What will you use it for?”

Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)

Yes, I have kept it.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

No, I mean if it is for agricultural purposes, will the land be cultivated?

Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)

I will use it to build a house, sir.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Oh, for a house. And the rest? Nothing?

Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)

Nothing, sir.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Nothing?  Ok, Mrs. Supami. Please read the text of Pancasila.

Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)


  1. Belief in the one and only God
  2. Just and civilized humanity
  3. The unity of Indonesia
  4. Democratic life led by wisdom of thoughts in deliberations amongst representatives of the


  1. Social justice for all the people of Indonesia

Thank you.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Yes, please be quiet for now. Now, please introduce your name.

Certificate Recipient Representative (Agus Kurniawan)

Assalamu’alaikum, let me introduce myself. My name is Agus Kurniawan.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Agus Kurniawan, Yes.  Mas Agus Go on. Pancasila, One.

Certificate Recipient Representative (Agus Kurniawan)

  1. Belief in the one and only God
  2. A Just and civilized humanity
  3. Unity of Indonesia
  4. Democratic life led by wisdom of thoughts in deliberations…justice

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Repeat, repeat number four.

Certificate Recipient Representative (Agus Kurniawan)


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


Certificate Recipient Representative (Agus Kurniawan)

Democratic life led by wisdom of thoughts in deliberations amongst representatives of the

people. Five, social justice for all the people of Indonesia.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Ladies and Gentlemen, when you are seated, everything seems easy, But, when you’re on stage when you’re near me, everything else fades away.  Yes, you read this not once but twice. Thank you, ma’am.


Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)

Sir, I have a request, sir.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

What is your request?

Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)

Sir, there are 68 hectares of land on my property that still need to be processed. The total area of the land is 128 hectares, spanning from Trimorejo village to Bangurejo village, with 60 hectares have already been certified. The remaining land still needs to receive a certificate for 68 hectares, sir.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)



Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)

I urgently request that you take action on this issue before you step down from the office. Thank you, sir.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Take a look. Mrs. Pami is ordering the President. Ma’am, your request has been noted. Later, I will convey it to the Minister of BPN. The minister’s secretary must also take note. It will be checked, okay?

Certificate Recipient Representative (Supami)

Yes, okay.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Yes, thank you, thank you. Mas Agus, thank you. Later, there will be a bicycle; the prize is a bicycle.

I think that’s all I want to convey on this good opportunity.  Once again, I hope you can keep the certificate safe and use it for productive purposes.

I thank you.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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