Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia during the Launch of the Digital Generation Acceleration Movement, at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Special Capital Region of Jakarta, 15 December 2021

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 15 Desember 2021
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Good morning,
May peace be upon us all.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
I saw Mas Erick (Minister of State-Owned Enterprises), Mas Nadiem (Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology), and Mbak Nana (Founder of Narasi) performed a monologue. Earlier, I also wanted to perform a monologue but all has been prepared including the podium for me. So, I stand here to do my duty.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to tell you about our country, Indonesia. We have a potential, we have a developing, great digital market. In 2019, it reached US$ 40 billion. In 2020, it reached US$ 47 billion. In 2021, the amount has increased by 49 percent, it has reached more than US$ 70 billion. In 2025, it is estimated that the amount will reach US$ 146 billion. It is indeed a huge amount. [This development] has been accelerated due to COVID-19 pandemic. Once again, the growth of our digital market has been accelerated due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Now we see the logistic sector. It has increased by 60 percent due to the use of delivery services, e-groceries, and so on. The number of digital consumers has also increased by 10.2 percent. Once again, new digital consumers increased by 10.2 percent. E-money transaction has increased by 55 percent as of October 2021. Everything rises, rises, rises, rises. Compared to October last year, e-money transaction has increased by 31 percent.

What I would like to tell you is that our market potential is huge. Do not let other overtake it. As of today, we have 2,319 start-ups. The number keeps increasing every day. We have one decacorn. We have seven unicorns and a lot of soonicorns that are continuously supported to be unicorn and decacorn.

All of us have to be ready to deal with global digital progress. I remember when I met Mark Zuckerberg in 2016 in the US, he invited me to play table tennis with oculus [virtual reality]. He told me, ‘Mr. President Jokowi, in 10-15 years we can play table tennis like this.’ Everyone later can buy a virtual land, build their virtual businesses. There will be virtual malls, virtual games, virtual offices, virtual tourist attractions. I cannot imagine what will happen. But now I understand that the digital progress is something that we cannot avoid anymore.

Big companies around the globe are competing to build Metaverse. Facebook has changed its name into Meta. Epic Game, Roblox, and Microsoft are competing to build Metaverse. Thus, we have to prepare our own strategy. Our country must prepare a strategy so that we are not left behind by other countries. Therefore, I told Ministers, State-Owned Companies, and all stakeholders that we do not have a lot of time to catch up. And this country will be a developed country if we can make a great leap in two years. The hardest things are to prepare a number of digital talents and provide qualified mentors.

And we are so lucky to have Mas Nadiem, Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology who have experiences in technology company. Indeed, we are so lucky. Whenever I ask him questions, he will answer immediately, “How can we make it? I don’t want to have only 1-2 or 1,000-2,000 [digital talents], we want millions.” “Yes, Sir. Independent Campus (Kampus Merdeka), Freedom to Learn (Merdeka Belajar) are the answer, Sir”. The measures have earlier been explained by the Minister.

If we are not able to prepare this, it will be hard for us to catch up with other countries. Once again, the key is a huge amount [of digital talents]. To that end, I order all technology companies, big companies in Indonesia to create an internship program for students so that all will change. If we have digital mindset, digital skill, we can also create a digital culture in our country.

I also would like to build a digital government, but I know it is not that easy. To build a digital government, I have ordered Minister of Communication and Informatics to immediately build our digital infrastructure. We have to chase it because it is a competition. Once we stop, we will be left far behind. There is still opportunity. Our digital economy will grow if our digital infrastructure is ready, our digital talent is ready, our digital government is ready, our digital regulation is ready, so that an ecosystem of digital society will be built in our country.

I would like to express my gratitude to Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thorir for the initiative to prepare the funding platform Merah Putih Fund that will assist in granting fund for soonicorns so that they can jump to a higher level. In the waiting room I told him, do not let the platform organized only by State-Owned Enterprises, let private sectors to support the Merah Putih Fund. Invite the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) to join the platform so shat the fund provided to accelerate the processes I have earlier said can be ready. Once again, I really appreciate what Minister Erick Thorir has done to prepare the Merah Putih Fund.

If all parties work, including the Indonesia Digital Tribe initiated by Najwa Shihab [founder of Narasi], the preparation of digital talents organized by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, and the fund provided by Merah Putih Fund, I believe that the goals to accelerate the  development of digital society, digital ecosystem will be achieved.

That concludes my speech on this auspicious occasion. By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, this morning I officially launch the Digital Generation Acceleration Movement.

I thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.



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