Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia During the Launching of Logo of Nusantara Capital City, State Palace, Jakarta Special Capital Region, May 30, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 30 Mei 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,
May prosperity be upon us all,

Distinguished Ambassadors of Friendly Countries in attendance,
Distinguished Ministers of Indonesia Onward Cabinet, Chairperson of Nusantara Capital City (IKN) Authority,
Distinguished Governor of East Kalimantan Province along with the Regent, Head of Subdistrict, Head of District.

Could Head of District in the IKN please stand up? Oh, there you are.

Distinguished Rector of Mulawarman University and Balikpapan University,
Distinguished Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces and Chief of the Indonesian National Police who will continuously stand at the forefront to guard our country and Nusantara Capital City.

I was also informed that 30 state civil apparatus (ASN) are ready to relocate immediately. Could you please stand up? No one? The number reaches 30 people. How come only two people stand up? Well, more, more, more people stand up. And there are also college students from East Kalimantan in attendance.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Distinguished President Director of Bank BNI, Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin),
Esteemed Guests,

Today, we will unveil the newly designed logo of Indonesia’s new capital of Nusantara (IKN), that represents a visual identity for the IKN. As Head of the IKN Authority said earlier, the logo with the most voters has been chosen after going through a very selective competition process, alhamdulillah. Thus, keep in mind that it is not the President’s decision. It is 500,000 people who vote. Not a small number.

The logo shows the Tree of Life symbol, which was designed by Mas Aulia Akbar. The Tree of Life Symbol. We hope that the Tree of Life symbol will inspire IKN to become a new home for all of us and to be a source of life for all Indonesian people in the future.

The logo also symbolizes philosophical values that are aligned with the spirit of IKN development, including fostering a sense of pride in the nation’s identity as a large and diverse country. Public awareness is also expected to raise in protecting nature and the environment and its ecosystem. The logo may also define our efforts to contribute to accelerating IKN development, the future capital of Indonesia.

Several big cities include New York, Washington DC, Sydney, and Canberra. Here, we have Jakarta and Nusantara. So, this is a big country. A big nation.

That concludes my remarks.

And by saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I hereby launch the logo of Nusantara Capital City.

I thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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