Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia for the Audit Report on the Central Government Financial Report (LHP LKPP) for Fiscal Year of 2023 and the Audit Result Summary (IHPS) of the 2nd Semester of 2023, Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta Province, July 8, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 8 Juli 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Good morning,
May prosperity be upon us,
Om swastiastu,
Namo buddhaya,
Greetings of virtue.

Distinguished Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia;
Distinguished Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Leaders of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK);
Distinguished Heads of State Institutions, and Ministers of Onward Indonesia Cabinet;
Distinguished Regional Heads, Governors/Regents/Mayors, Speakers of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) from all regions in Indonesia;
Ladies and gentlemen.

First of all, let me extend my appreciation and gratitude to the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) for the dedication and professionalism in carrying out the task of auditing state finance. I also extend my congratulations to all stakeholders of the Central and Regional Governments for the unqualified audit rating (WTP), the highest audit grade, for this year’s Government Financial Report.

I have reiterated that the WTP status is not an achievement. It is an obligation for all of us, an obligation to use the State Budget prudently. We manage the people’s money, the State money, and every year it will be audited and be reviewed. Once again, we have an obligation to use the State Budget and Regional Budget properly, and we should use the Budget in an accountable manner.

Ladies and gentlemen,
In the recent years, we are facing tumultuous global challenges, in terms of geopolitics, escalating trade wars, and climate change. This year, global economic growth is predicted to slow, namely at 3.2 percent, and there will be economic crisis in several regions.

Thank God, Indonesia’s economy and politics remain stable with economic growth higher than 5 percent. Our economic growth in the first quarter of this year is 5.11 percent and the inflation is under control. Bank Indonesia and Ministry of Home Affairs always meet with regional heads every Monday to maintain inflation in each region. We have also carried out elections smoothly. This is our capital in developing this country.

However, to grow higher, and to be more competitive with other countries, we must be agile, fast and smart. We must be able to make the best of the slightest opportunity. To that end, accountability and flexibility must be carried out in balance. We must not be shackled to process-oriented procedures. We must be brave to focus more on results and achievements for the people, and focus on achievements for the progress of the country.

We know that deregulation and debureaucratization have been carried out, but we still have unsynchronized regulations. We have complicated bureaucratic procedures on the ground. The term “permit” is replaced by “consideration”, or replaced by “recommendation”, but the procedures remain complicated, both in the central government and in regional governments. No need for applause.

Once again, complicated bureaucratic procedures still exist on the ground and they will become findings in the audit process and concerns for our government officials. To that end, I hope that the existing structural reforms will continue. We must continue synchronizing regulations, and simplifying procedures so that the Government runs in a more effective, more efficient and result-oriented manner, not procedure-oriented one.

Ladies and gentlemen,
We are currently in the period of the Government transition. In October 2024, I will be replaced by the President-elect, Mr Prabowo Subianto. I hope that the BPK and all stakeholders of the nation will support this transition of the Government so that the transition runs smoothly, in order to maintain sustainability for the advancement of our country, Indonesia. I hope that the BPK will continue to support improving the government ecosystem, to ensure the accountable, flexible, and results-oriented Government.

The current Government and the Government of the President-elect, Mr Prabowo Subianto, will always pay serious attention to all BPK recommendations to ensure that the taxpayers’ money is managed in a prudent and accountable manner. I order Cabinet Ministers, Heads of Institutions and Regional Heads to immediately follow up recommendations from the BPK to improve financial management of the State Budget and Regional Budget.

That concludes my remarks.
I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Om santi santi santi om,
Namo buddhaya.


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