Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia in Session I of the G20 Summit on Global Economic Condition, Food Security, and Energy at the Apurva Kempinski Hotel, Nusa Dua in Bali Province November 15, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 15 November 2022
Category: Remarks @en
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Your Excellencies, Distinguished Leaders,

Good morning, hereby I officially inaugurate the G20 Summit.

Welcome to Bali.

Welcome to Indonesia.

It is an honor for Indonesia to host the G20 Summit.

I am aware that it took extraordinary efforts to bring all of us together in the same room.

Distinguished Leaders,

The world is facing extraordinary challenges. We are facing crisis after crisis. COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet. Rivalry continues to grow. The war happens. Impacts of crisis on food, energy, financial security greatly affected all countries, especially developing countries. Do not underestimate the issue of fertilizer. If we fail take immediate action to fulfill fertilizer demand, 2023 will be worse.

Current higher food prices will be even worse and trigger lack stock of food. Fertilizer insecurity can lead to crop failure in several regions around the globe. Forty-eight developing countries with highest food insecurity will face serious condition. Moreover, we also can see that the world order and international law face challenges.

Your Excellencies,

Today all eyes are on our summit. Are we going to achieve success, or will we add more to our failures? For myself, the G20 must be a success and it must not fail. As a country that holds current G20 Presidency, Indonesia has done its best to bridge wide diversities. However, the success can only be achieved if all countries, without any exception, can reinforce their commitment and work hard to avoid dissenting opinions in order to meet concrete, beneficial results for the world.

Your Excellencies,

Indonesia has 17,000 islands, 1,300 ethnic groups, as well as more than 700 regional languages. Democracy in Indonesia is implemented at village-level by carrying out election for village leaders, while at state-level by carrying out elections for president, governors, regents, and mayors. As a country that upholds democracy, Indonesia notices the importance of dialogue as a form to bring differences together. Thus, the same spirit must be upheld in G20.

We have no other option. Paradigm of collaboration is badly needed to save the world. We all have responsibility, not only for our people, but also for the people of the world.

Being responsible means respecting international laws and principles of the UN Charter consistently. Being responsible means creating win-win, not zero-sum situations.

Being responsible here also means we must end the war. If the war does not end, it will be difficult for the world to move forward. If the war does not end, it will be difficult for us to take responsibility for the future of current generation and future generations.

We should not divide the world into parts.

We must not allow the world fall into another cold war.

Your Excellencies,

It is our fervent hope that the G20 can continue becoming a catalyst for inclusive economic recovery. Amid uncertainties condition, the G20 continues working to create concrete achievements, including pandemic funds for pandemic prevention, assistance for low-income countries through resilience and sustainability trusts, support for achieving SDGs, create thousands of concrete partnerships, as well as support for global economic recovery that is greener and more sustainable through the Bali Compact on energy transition. We do not just talk, but we take concrete steps.

Last but not least, let us show the world that we can behave prudently, undertake responsibility, assert leadership. Let us join hands for the world. Recover stronger, Recover together.

Your Excellencies,

That concludes my speech on this auspicious occasion. Now, we could start our close discussion. To that end, I would like to request the journalists to leave the room.


I thank you.


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