Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia on 2023 National Consolidation Meeting on Preparation for 2024 General ElectionsAt Istora Senayan Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta, December 30, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 30 Desember 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Good morning, may prosperity be upon us all
Om swastiastu,
Namo buddhaya,
Greetings of virtue.

Distinguished Ministers of the Indonesian Onward Cabinet, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Minister of Home Affairs, the TNI Commander, the National Police Chief, the Attorney General;

Distinguished Chairperson of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK), Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK);

Distinguished Chairperson of the General Election Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy’ari, Chairperson of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), Chairperson of the Election Organization Ethics Council (DKPP);

Distinguished Members and Secretaries of the Provincial, Regency/City KPU, Independent Aceh Election Commission, Chairperson of Overseas Elections;

Ladies and Gentlemen.
First of all, today is Saturday. Yesterday I just came back from a working visit. I should have been able to take a rest as I had a day off. But yesterday Minister of State Secretary told me, “Sir, tomorrow there will be a consolidation meeting of the General Election Commission (KPU). Everyone from the regions, provinces, regencies and cities will be there. So you have to be there as well.” That’s why now I am here.

There is no other word. All KPU ranks from the center to the regions must be ready. Ready to run honest and fair elections, which are trusted by the people. The 2024 election is only 45 days away. Time is very tight. Everything must be ready.

Indeed, the 2024 election is very complex. This is a simultaneous election: Presidential, members of the House of Representatives, members of the Regional Representatives Council, members of the Regional House of Representatives from provincial, regency and city. It involves 204,807,222 people in 38 provinces, 514 regencies and cities, 7,277 districts, 83,771 villages, involving 18 national political parties and 6 local Acehnese parties. We can imagine how complex our elections are. It is very complex.

All of this is based on our legal order, it must be carried out as well as possible. So we have to ensure that the governance is good, the readiness of officers must be good, the availability of logistics must be good, the distribution of logistics must be good, and the readiness of the systems and technology must also be good. Don’t let any mistakes occur. Everything has to be good, including the technical aspects. Be careful about this. We have to pay attention to details because technical negligence can have political implications. It can spread everywhere and can disrupt the conducive situation of the country as well as disrupt the legitimacy of our elections.

I appeal to the use of information systems and election support devices to function properly. It must be transparent and open. Do not let it get hacked. Be careful. Once again, it can has political impacts.

I also want to remind everyone that we are now living in the digital era. Even the slightest inaccuracy can immediately (impacts) public trust. This thing should not happen. All of us have to avoid this together.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I want to invite all components of the nation to work together to ensure that this election runs honestly and fairly, the process runs smoothly, and the results are good and reliable. To all state officials, I have said many times, ranks of state apparatus (ASN), personnel of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) and the National Police (Polri) must maintain their neutrality. State officials must support the elections. For example, logistics delivery to difficult places and outer areas that cannot be done by the KPU should be assisted by state officials, both the TNI and Polri.

Then, the KPU must also be neutral and not siding. The KPU must follow the rules. Even if the KPU already follow the rules, you still be suspected, right? Especially if you are not. This is something we must once again maintain together so that this issue will not happen. This could be dangerous for the KPU and the legitimacy of our elections. Apart from that, the KPU must ensure that every citizen who has the right to vote can exercise their right to vote properly, directly, freely, confidentially and without discrimination. Serve them all.

We must invite voters to become smart voters. Don’t believe in hoaxes, especially those that can spark conflict and disunity. Political education must be carried out on a massive scale, not only educating about the stages of elections, but also inviting people to become smart voters. I am sure that the KPU is able to carry out its duties well. The Government fully supports the KPU’s work agenda so that elections run honestly and fairly, the elections can run well, successfully and smoothly.

Regarding the remuneration fee for the KPU personnel, I have not signed it yet. I have asked Minister of State Secretary about the document and apparently it is still at the office of Ministry of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform. I will try to finish it in January. Do not let this sensitive issue disturb the election.

I conclude my remarks on this auspicious occasion.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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