Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia on Inauguration of Pelindo Merger and Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Terminal of Labuan Bajo Port, 14 October 2021 at West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 14 Oktober 2021
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good Afternoon,

May peace be upon us all,


Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Greetings of Virtue.

Distinguished Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Indonesian Onward Cabinet who are with me, among others, Minister of Transportation, Minister of State-owned Enterprises, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Cabinet Secretary, and Deputy Minister of State-owned Enterprises;

Distinguished Governor of East Nusa Tenggara and Spouse, Regent of West Manggarai, as well as entire members of Regional Leaders Communication Forum (Forkopimda);

Distinguished Leaders and Deputy Speaker of Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR);

Distinguished Commissioners and Directors of PT Pelindo, religious figures, and community figures;

Ladies and Gentlemen.

We know that our country’s logistics costs are still higher than those of our neighboring countries. Their logistics costs are only about 12 percent, but ours is still 23 percent. It means there is something inefficient in our country. Therefore, our reason to develop infrastructures—be it roads, ports, or airports—is because we want our products and goods to be able to compete with those of other countries.

Seven years ago, I ordered Minister of State-Owned Enterprises and all President Directors of Pelindo I, Pelindo II, Pelindo III, and Pelindo IV to immediately create the Pelindo holding. I waited for it for seven years long and it never happened. It has been started, okay, if we did not make it a holding company, there is a virtual holding transition. We took care of the virtual holding, but we never found the said holding. Today, thank God, President Director of Pelindo, Mr. Arif, said that Pelindo I, Pelindo II, Pelindo III, and Pelindo IV have become PT Pelindo or PT Pelabuhan Indonesia.

What are our hopes?

First, I hope that our logistics costs can compete with those of other countries. It means that our competitiveness will improve.

Second, I want you to find partners for it. Please find the ones that have wide networks, so that it can be connected to other countries. What does it mean? [So] our products and goods can roam anywhere and enter the global supply chain. That is our goal.

Once more, I really appreciate what has been done by the state-owned enterprises as well as Minister of State-owned Enterprises and his ranks. This will be a great power in the future. It was said earlier that [we are] going to enter the world’s top eight, which is what we hope for. I hope other state-owned enterprises will follow suit in the future. Do not let it be small and scattered, so that its strength becomes minimal, both in terms of finance and capital. If [they decide] to merge, the power will be great.

Next, regarding Wae Kelambu port. We really want the old port to be clean since it is located in tourist destination spot, whereas logistics terminal will be relocated to the newly-inaugurated Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Terminal. I really appreciated the swift work, the construction of which was started in August 2020 and today we can inaugurate it.

And I couldn’t imagine that this new port would be this huge. I thought it’s just like the old building merely moved here. It turns out to be a big port. I hope the terminal can still be in operation for 15-20 more years to transport logistics from East Nusa Tenggara province, particularly West Manggarai regency.

That concludes my statement on this auspicious opportunity. By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, this afternoon I hereby inaugurate the merger of Pelindo I, II, III, and IV to become PT Pelindo, and Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Terminal of Labuan Bajo Port.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. (GWH/MUR)

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