Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia on Land Certificates Distribution for the People of Sidoarjo Regency, Malang Regency and City, and Gresik Regency, at Gelora Delta Stadium, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java Province, August 22, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 22 Agustus 2022
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

May peace be upon us all.

Honorable Ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet, especially Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN);

Honorable Governor of East Java and all ranks of Forkopimda (regional leadership coordination forum);

Honorable Regent of Sidoarjo and all ranks of Forkopimda;

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Have you all received the certificates? Can you show me? Let me see that the certificates have been received. Don’t put them down yet, I want to count them, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,… 3,000. All 3,000 certificates have been handed over today.

As you may be aware, in 2016, I ordered for the Land Certificate program to be accelerated because previously the ATR/BPN only issued 500,000 certificates per year nationally. In fact, there are 126 million (lands) that must be certified, and in 2016, only 46 million (certificates) have been certified, which means 80 million certificates are still not issued yet throughout Indonesia.

If in a year there are only 500,000 (certificates) issued, it means that you have to wait for 160 years to receive a certificate. Is there anyone willing to wait for 160 years? I’ll give you a bicycle. We need 80 million a year and only 500,000 can be made a year, it means we have to wait for 160 years. Therefore, we reformed it.

In 2016, I ordered [to issue the certificates] 5 million a year. I wanted to see if it’s possible. It turns out that the issuance of) 5 million certificates was possible. It was also possible when I raised the number to 7 million, even to 9 million. It means that if we really want to, we can do it.

Therefore, I have entrusted Minister of ATR/BPN, who is a former commander. The current minister is the former commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI). Pak Hadi Tjahjanto is a former TNI commander. I have said to him, “Pak Minister, don’t let anyone mess around with certificates, especially land mafias, there are no such things in Indonesia.”

Pak Minister is a former commander. If you encounter the land mafias, please impose some measures immediately since they make it difficult for people to register their land certificates. Do you agree? Once again, do you agree? This is because there are still 80 million certificates that have not been issued yet. However, we already finished more than half of the number. The Minister stated that around 19 million plots of land in East Java must be certified, and approximately 12 million have already been certified. This means that there are still 7 million individuals who need the certificate. It’s not a small number. Handing over 12 [million] out of 19 [million], it means we need around 7 million more certificates. We must accelerate it.

It is fortunate for you to have received your certificate today. This is important. This is proof of land ownership. If someone asserts, “This is my land,” You may show the person the certificate. This is proof of legal ownership of the land.

In Indonesia, these land conflicts or land disputes are widespread throughout Java, outside Java, whether in villages or cities. Why? It’s because they don’t have the certificates. There have been numerous conflicts between communities and the Government, between communities and communities as well as between communities and companies. When it comes to land disputes, it can be frightening and even lead to murder. This is due to its very fundamental nature.

Therefore, I have once again ordered the Minister to speed up this process so that the entire community will have their land certificates. If you already have it, make a copy and keep it somewhere safe. So, if it gets lost, it’s easier to replace it. Please, store the original document somewhere safe. Alright?

Second, you can use the certificate to obtain a bank loan. However, if you intend to obtain a loan, please calculate the amount. Please calculate it if you intend to use it as bank collateral, please calculate it. Don’t get too excited about it. For example, assume you receive a loan of Rp500 million. Keep in mind that this loan must be repaid. Moreover, if you obtain a loan, do not use half of the Rp500 million to buy a new car. Be careful, if you get Rp50 million, don’t use the Rp20 million for a new motorcycle. That is where the issue arises, you get Rp500 million and spend the Rp250 million for a new car. It’s indeed nice to go around the hamlet, to go around the village using a car, but believe me when I say, it will last only for six months. It’s only six months before you can’t pay the installments. You can’t pay the bank installments. You can’t pay the car installments. That’s where the disaster begins.

Don’t do that. It’s okay to get a loan. However, if you receive Rp100 million, use it all for working capital, use it for investment capital, use it for business capital. Do not use a single dime for consumptive and fun purposes.

You can use the money (for these purposes) if your business is successful. It’s okay it you want to use your profit, not your loan, to buy a car. Because it has happened numerous times. Like I said earlier, don’t use half of the Rp500 million for a new car. There are lots of cases, lots of them. Be careful, once again, be careful.

That concludes my remarks on this auspicious occasion. Once again, congratulations to all of you for having proofs of land ownerships, your land certificates.

I thank you.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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