Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia on National Christmas Celebration at Graha Bethany Nginden, Surabaya City, East Java Province, December 27, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 27 Desember 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Good evening,

May prosperity be upon us all,


Honorable Ministers, Vice Ministers, Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) and Chief of the Indonesian National Police, Governor of East Java Province, Mayor of Surabaya, Chairperson of the PGI (Indonesian Communion of Churches) and Chairperson of the KWI (Bishops’ Conference of Indonesia);

Honorable Cardinal, Nuns, and Christian and Catholic religious leaders, the entire committee of the National Christmas Celebration of 2023;

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.

First of all, to Christians throughout Indonesia and our fellow Christians living abroad, I wish you a Merry Christmas. May the warmth of Christmas fill our hearts with joy, peace, and prosperity.

Let us give praise and thanks to the Almighty God that we can celebrate Christmas with peace, upholding a senses of brotherhood, and with love. We want to continue to show the world that diversity is a natural law that cannot be avoided. Differences in religion, differences in perspectives will become more acceptable in modern life. However, the choice to live in harmony and full of love is the best choice taught by God to all of us, which we must strive for and cultivate in our social, national, and state life.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the midst of the great global challenges, marked by food crises, economic crises, international conflicts, and even wars, we must remember and be vigilant. In Javanese, they say eling lan waspodo. Conflicts, especially wars, will undoubtedly bring about a decline in civilization. On the contrary, unity, harmony, allow us to progress. Agree?

We, the Indonesian nation, is truly fortunate. We can maintain tolerance in diversity, in our diversity. We can also maintain unity amidst diversity, preserving Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity), and we are grateful to have Pancasila.

I must remind you that our country is large, with 714 ethnic groups and more than 1,300 local languages; we are incredibly diverse. I can speak like this because I have visited almost 85% of the regions throughout the country, with the remaining 15% to be completed in 2024. This spirit must be nurtured, the spirit to be moderate in religious matters, and to place the nation’s interests as part of our faith.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Although we are entering a political year, although soon we will hold the elections, electing legislative members, and choosing the president and vice president, we must continue to maintain tolerance, unity, and peace. Differences in political choices are normal in democracy. Agree? But we are united by nobler interests, namely maintaining unity and integrity, preserving peace, maintaining mutual cooperation, upholding humanitarian interests, and together advancing our beloved country, Indonesia.

I want someone to raise their hand. Someone who knows Pancasila. All people in this building apparently knows it. If that’s the case, I’ll choose.

Yes, the lady who was like this earlier. Please, ma’am. You can remove your mask. Introduce yourself. Where are you from?

Community Representative (Josephine)

My name is Josephine Pak, Josephine.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


Community Representative (Josephine)


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


Community Representative (Josephine)

From Gresik.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

From Gresik, Ibu Josephine from Gresik. Go ahead, Pancasila, one.

Community Representative (Josephine)

Belief in the…

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

No, no, no. From the beginning, Pancasila, one.

Community Representative (Josephine)

Pancasila. One, belief in the one and only god. Two, just and civilized humanity. Three, unity of Indonesia. Four, democractic life led by the wisdom of thoughts in deliberations amongst representatives of the people. Five, achieving social justice for all Indonesian people.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Nggih, thank you, Bu Josephine. I didn’t bring a bicycle, but tomorrow afternoon the bicycle will arrive at Bu Josephine’s house. Especially the bicycle, but don’t exchange it for a car because there is a note that it’s a gift from President Jokowi.

The second one, raise your hand, don’t answer yet. What is the name of the new capital of Indonesia? The new capital of Indonesia is called? Located on which island? First, introduce the name.

Community Representative (Evelyn)

Full name, Pak?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Full name is allowed, short name is allowed. Introduce it directly, what’s your name?

Community Representative (Evelyn)

My name is Evelyn, Evelyn.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Earlier Josephine, now Evelyn.

Community Representative (Evelyn)

Yes, Pak.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Evelyn from?

Community Representative (Evelyn)


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Surabaya. Age?

Community Representative (Evelyn)


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


Community Representative (Evelyn)


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Eleven years old? Okay. Evelyn,

Community Representative (Evelyn)

Yes, Pak.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

What is the name of the new capital ?

Community Representative (Evelyn)

IKN, Nusantara Capital.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Yes, correct. Wait, located on which island?

Community Representative (Evelyn)


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

That’s all.

Community Representative (Evelyn)

That’s all, Pak.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Alright then. Tomorrow, the bicycle will arrive at your house. Please provide the address. The stock of bicycles is running out.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

The development achievements that we have attained must be continuously maintained and preserved, and we must continue to pursue the goal of advancing Indonesia to become real.

Once again, I wish you a Merry Christmas of 2023 and a Happy New Year 2024. May the light of Christmas, the peace, and love of Christmas guide you to glory and take you to a brilliant future. May we will continue to fight for gaining the momentum to realize an advanced Indonesia that is just and prosperous and may the Almighty God give guidance and provide ease.

May God bless us all.

Good evening.

Thank you.


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