Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia on the Delivery of Smart Indonesian Program Assistance, January 23, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 23 Januari 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamuálaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

May peace be upon us,


Coordinating Minister for People and Culture Development, Professor Muhadjir,

Minister of Public Works and Housing Pak Basuki,

Minister of Health, Pak Budi Gunadi sadikin,


Governor of Central Java,

Regent of Blora,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My Beloved Children,


Good afternoon,

Good afternoon,

Good afternoon,


I am delighted to see your enthusiast. You the young generation must be enthusiastic. As we are all aware, future competition will not be easier but harder. Therefore, human resources will become key to competition among countries, among individuals.


Our young generation must pursue their study. Do you agree with me? Why do we implement the program of Primary, Junior High School, High/Vocational School Smart Indonesia Cards (KIP) as well as College Smart Indonesia Cards (KIP Kuliah)?


We launched this program for these students to pursue higher degrees. Do you agree? Students do not have to think about tuition fees to study both in Indonesia and abroad because the Government provides scholarship through KIP Kuliah and the Education Endowment Fund (LPDP).

Thus, I request all parents to accompany and monitor students to study and learn diligently to face tougher competition. Once again, the Government has provided budget through this program so parents and students must make the most of the KIP as much as possible.


Yesterday, when I was in Magelang, I asked a student about his father’s job, “Construction laborer, Pak”. Well, it is a good job, but the child must study. Other student said his/her father was a truck driver. That’s alright, I said to him that his/her father was working hard but he must continue his study and finish his university degree, right?


What is your father job? A farmer. That is a good job, but the children must continue their study from elementary, junior, high/vocational schools to university. After graduating from undergraduate, they may continue to study master or doctoral degrees. My father was not rich. My parents were not rich. I do not want our children discontinue their study just because the parents cannot afford for tuition fees. Every child must study at school.


For KIP programs, the Government has provided a budget of around Rp11 trillion for 20 million students all over Indonesia. Budget of KIP for university is provided at the amount of Rp12.9 trillion to allow students to study at universities. About 960 thousand students have received KIP for university scholarship. Our children must be diligent, enthusiastic, tough, and must continue to learn. As we are all aware, Primary KIP is Rp450,000 per student, right? KIP for junior school is Rp750,000 per student, and KIP for high-vocational school has increased from Rp1,000,000 to Rp 1,800,000 per student.


I would like to ask all mothers here and children, if you earn Rp1,800,000, is it enough for living cost here in Blora? Please come to me if you think it is not enough. It is enough and it should be enough. Therefore, KIP should be spent for educational and school needs. You may spend the money to buy books, stationery, uniforms. However, let me remind you all that you may not spend the money to top up phone credit.


I would like one of students who has received KIP from elementary, junior to high/vocational schools to come forward to me. Please, raise your hand!


Who has received KIP from elementary, junior to high/vocational schools? The tall student, standing over there. You, who turned the head. Just come here. The other one can mention Pancasila, please raise your hand! Just a minute. Good, you are all enthusiastic, come here. Introduce yourself.


High School Student (Yeni Sucaryani)

Assalamuálaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Yeni


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Speak louder, please. What’s your name?


Yeni Sucaryani

Yeni Sucaryani.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)



Yeni Sucaryani



President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)



Yeni Sucaryani

Yes, I am.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)



Yeni Sucaryani



President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Yeni, where do you go to school now?


Yeni Sucaryani

At SMK PGRI Blora.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

At SMK PGRI Blora, what grade?


Yeni Sucaryani

Third grade.


Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Third grade. When was the first time you received KIP?


Yeni Sucaryani

When I was at the sixth grade of primary school.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Since you graduated from primary school of 6th grade, then did you receive KIP for Junior High School?


Yeni Sucaryani

Yes, I did.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Did you receive again?


Yeni Sucaryani

I did.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Did you receive KIP for Vocational School?


Yeni Sucaryani

I did.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Did you receive it again?


Yeni Sucaryani

I did.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

OK…then why did you receive KIP again? Did you apply for KIP?


Yeni Sucaryani

Yes, I did.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Did you apply?


Yeni Sucaryani

Yes, I did.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

How did you apply for KIP? Directly to headmaster, school, or through Neighborhood Association/Resident Association?


Yeni Sucaryani

Directly to school.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

You apply for KIP directly to your school. Well, what’s your name?


Yeni Sucaryani



President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Yeni, what is your parent’s job?


Yeni Sucaryani

My parents are farmers.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Farmers. OK. Are they here now?


Yeni Sucaryani

Yes, they are here.


Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Your father or mother, are they here?


Yeni Sucaryani

Yes, they are here, wearing blue t-shirt.


Yeni Sucaryani



Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

  1. This year you will receive Rp1,800,000. How do you spend the money?


Yeni Sucaryani

I will buy school stationery.


Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

What are they?


Yeni Sucaryani

Books, bag, other stationery.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Stationery. Will you buy uniform?


Yeni Sucaryani

Yes, I will.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)



Yeni Sucaryani



President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

So, Rp1,800,000, is it enough?


Yeni Sucaryani

It’s enough.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Enough. Then, will you continue your study to college?


Yeni Sucaryani

If God allows, I prefer getting a job.


President of the Republic of  Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

You prefer getting a job. You may work and study in college as well. Getting a job is also good to help your parents. That is good. What else should I ask you? Your school, is it far from your home?


Yeni Sucaryani

Oh, it is not far.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

How many kilometers or how long does it take from your home to school?


Yeni Sucaryani



President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Four kilometers?


Yeni Sucaryani



President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Four kilometers. How do you go to school?


Yeni Sucaryani

By motorcycle.


Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Motor. Oke, nggih, baik, sudah. Sekarang kenalkan nama? Namanya?

By motorcycle. Alright, you’ve done. The other one, what is your name?


Primary School Student (Abigail)



Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Abigail. What grade are you at primary school?



Third grade at Krida Darma Catholic School.


President of Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Abigail, you are at the third grade. Just mention Pancasila, one?




Belief in One God;

A just and civilized humanity;

Unity of Indonesia;

Democracy, led by the wisdom of the representatives of the people;

Social justice for all Indonesian people.


President of Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Done. You can go down and take the bicycle. Take the bicycle. Well, I think the bike is too big but it’s OK. Where is her father or mother? That is an expensive bicycle. It can be changed to a car because on the body of the bike there is a print “Gift from President Jokowi”. That print makes the bike expensive. I also thank Yeni. You can also take the bike. Who wants other bicycles? I just provide two. Next time, I will provide more.


That concludes my remarks today. I close this dialogue.

Thank you.


Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


I come here to make sure that KIP, KIP Kuliah programs run well and provide benefits for our children. I am delighted to see that KIP provides benefits because one of the students received KIP from primary, junior, to high/vocational schools.


Thank you.

Good afternoon.


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