Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia On the Occasion of Commemoration of the 74th Anniversary of Bhayangkara Day, Wednesday, 1 July 2020 at the State Palace, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 1 Juli 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good morning,

May peace be upon us all,

Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Greetings of Virtue.


Distinguished Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Bapak Prof. KH. Ma’ruf Amin,

Honorable Chairpersons and Leaders of State Institutions in attendance,

Honorable Working Cabinet Ministers, Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) and its ranks,

Chief of the National Police (Polri) and its ranks, the elders, Seniors, and the police retiree, community leaders and religious leaders, and

Honorable personnel of the National Police across the country from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas Island to Rote Island,


Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,


On behalf of the people, the nation, and the state, I wish you, the extended family of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia – wherever you are stationed – the 74th Anniversary of Bhayangkara Day.

Let me also extend my highest appreciation and gratitude to all of you for your dedication, sacrifice, and contribution in maintaining security and order, in enforcing the law, and in providing protection and services to the public.

Let us pray for the soldiers who have perished in the line of duty and may God grant them  the highest place in Heaven.

To all personnel of the National Police and the families, may God always grant them good health. Aamiin ya rabbal ‘alamin.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

As a warrior nation, we must not surrender quickly. The COVID-19 pandemic that is plaguing the world, including Indonesia, has hit us hard. We must continue to strive and work hard to overcome both health and economic issues.

In these trying times, the presence and active participation of all ranks of the Indonesian National Police are urgently needed. Starting from people in the headquarters and regional police, precinct police (polres) and sub-precinct (polsek), to the police’s security and public order officers (Bhabinkamtibmas) serving in villages across the country – all must be actively involved in inviting the public to maintain discipline in implementing health protocols, overseeing the smoothness and accuracy of the distribution of social assistance, and of course maintaining security and order so the situation can remain orderly, safe, and peaceful.

Let me emphasize that the safety of the people is of utmost importance. The safety and interests of the people is the highest law. Do perform this humanitarian task in a persuasive and humanist manner, but stay vigilant, responsive, and firm in handling any violations of the laws by maintaining professionalism and public trust.

I also order the ranks of the National Police, the Attorney General Office, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), and the government internal supervisory institutions to continue to strengthen synergies, promote cooperation, and join hands to speed up the implementation of the COVID-19 program and monitor the use of its budget. The allocation of funds is worth Rp695.2 trillion and could be even greater should the need arise.

Prevention aspects must be put forward. Do not wait until a problem occurs. If there is a potential problem, be responsive. But if there is an intention for corruption, there is a mens rea, it must be dealt with. We must take action. Especially amid the current crisis, no one can take it lightly.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Although the National Police is currently focusing on providing assistance in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, various strategic agendas should not be neglected. The National Police must continue to reform themselves, constantly seek to improve themselves to be more professional and modern, and turn weaknesses into strengths.

I’d like to remind you that the National Police will face increasingly severe and more complex challenges, ranging from conventional crimes, transnational crimes, crimes with contingency implications to crimes against state wealth.

Potential threats to domestic security and stability also need to be closely watched, particularly ahead of the simultaneous regional elections in December this year. In addition to the same tasks carried out in the 2017 and 2019 simultaneous elections, this time we must also maintain health protocols. I am aware this is not an easy task, but I believe the National Police, the TNI, and election organizers and supervisors are up for the task.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

The National Police personnel,

Before concluding my remarks, allow me to deliver seven instructions as guidelines in carrying out the tasks of the National Police.

First, uphold and practice the noble values ​​of Tribrata (way of life) and Catur Prasetya (work guidelines) in implementing every task and guard honor, trust, and pride as members of the National Police.

Second, carry out total reformation, build a participatory, transparent and accountable system and governance, and build a professional, modern, and reliable work culture.

Third, strengthen internal solidity, promote synergy with the TNI and all elements of Government and the society to face increasingly complex challenges.

Fourth, implement proactive strategies and adopt persuasive and humanist approaches in dealing with social issues that prevail in the society.

Fifth, improve modern and professional public services, conduct legal handling in a transparent and fair manner so the National Police can gain bigger trust from the public.

Sixth, maintain discipline in implementing health protocols so the people can stay productive but safe from COVID-19.

Seventh, take part in the national economic recovery effort in accordance with the authority of the National Police with full responsibility.

That concludes my remarks. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, the Almighty God always bless our steps in serving the people, the nation, and the state.

Long live the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia! Be Rastra Sewakottama, the main servants of the state and the nation.

I thank you.

Wish you the best of luck in performing your duties.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Om santi santi santi om.

Namo Buddhaya.





Translated by Muhardi
Reviewed by M. Ersan Pamungkas

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