Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia on the Opening Ceremony of the 30th National Quran Reciting Competition (MTQ) 2024, September 8, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 8 September 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin, washalatu wasalamu ‘ala asrafil ambiya’i wal mursalin, sayyidina wa habibina wa syafiina wa maulana Muhammadin, wa ‘ala alihi washahbihi ajma’in. Amma ba’du

Honourable Islamic Scholars,

Minister of Religious Affairs, Commander of Indonesian Military and Chief of the National Police,

Your Excellency Ambassadors of friendly countries,

Governor of East Kalimantan Province and Governors throughout Indonesia, Chairman of the Qur’an Reciting Development Institute (LPTQ) and all Chairmen of Provincial LPTQ, Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, all Participants of the 30th National MTQ,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let us offer our praise and gratitude to the presence of Allah Swt for all His grace and guidance so that we can gather here for the 30th National Quran Reciting Competition (MTQ) 2024.

Forty-eight years ago, the national MTQ was held in Samarinda. Of course, today’s MTQ is much better than it was. I have a report that today’s MTQ is implementing such innovation, particularly digital technology. The Minister of Religious Affairs and Chairman of LPTQ have explained to me that some applications have been implemented such as e-MTQ, e-Magra, e-Scoring, and others. I expect not only the MTQ is improving, but also the implementation of Quranic values, such as honesty, justice, peace, and unity, are implemented firmly in our daily lives.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

MTQ Participants,

In this digital era, our society are easy to get information. The conventional media with its editorial board began to lose against the increasingly dominant social media and online media. Everyone can be a journalist, and citizen journalism without its editorial board is emerging. Therefore, every social media news reader must be able to be an editor for themselves, to filter good and bad news, to check and recheck between true news and hoax.

Consequently, nowadays public need strong moral grip, namely religion. Herein lies the importance of the MTQ. The MTQ is not only a momentum to exhibit capabilities in reciting the Quran, but also a momentum to glorify and propagate Quran teachings as well as to strengthen the nation’s moral and spiritual basis in social, national and state life.

Through this MTQ, we educate ourselves to love the Qur’an, to live religiously in humanistic and open manner, to perfect national morals, to live in togetherness, harmony, and unity to build the progress of our nation and state.

I would like to congratulate all Qur’an reciters, hafizes, and mufassirs in performing their best abilities, building a generation with Quranic morals for the progress of our country, Indonesia. Congratulations on joining the MTQ. I hope that your participation will be beneficial for the development of Islamic teachings and love for human values and the Indonesian nation and state.

That concludes my today’s remarks. By asking Allah Swt blessing and saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I declare the 30th National Quran Reciting Competition (MTQ) 2024 in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan Province, officially open.

Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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