Remarks of the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Limited Cabinet Meeting on ‘Foreign Direct Investment’ at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, on 16 September 2015

By Humas     Date 18 September 2015
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

The limited cabinet meeting will discuss Foreign Direct Investment. As we are all aware, it really depends on business facilitation in Indonesia.

I want to emphasize that some breakthroughs are needed, once again, some breakthroughs are needed to ease curb on investment. The investors may be local, domestic or foreign investors. All investors must be provided with some facilitation so that the real economic growth we want can truly  be boosted.

From the information that I already received yesterday, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) said that our exports rise, and so do the imports. It is a good thing that imports rise because it means there are capital goods, particularly imported raw materials, so that our economic growth will show an increase in the third quarter. Of course, it must be supported by the Government State Budget including expenditures for apparatus and goods, as well as capital expenditure.

Once again, all ministries should find some breakthroughs in order to realize an easy investment and business facility in our country.

That is all I can say.


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