Renovation of Iconic Istiqlal Mosque to be Completed Before Ramadan

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 7 Februari 2020
Category: News
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President Jokowi inspects renovation of the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, Friday (7/2). Photo by: Oji/PR

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has said that the renovation of the Istiqlal Mosque  –the largest mosque in Indonesia and in South East Asia – is expected to be completed before the fasting month of Ramadan this year.

“This is the biggest renovation in the past 41 years because the renovation this time needs a big budget, Rp475 billion, which is used to repair and polish floors, replace carpets, lighting, sound systems and many other things,” the President said after inspecting the mosque on Friday (7/2).

Another repair, the President added, is by expanding parking lot in the basement to provide spacious room for conducting prayers.

“We do not only renovate the interior but also the exterior. The river in the mosque compound will also be renovated so that the park will be even better,” the President said.

The President also explained that he has approved of the plan to make a tunnel from the Istiqlal Mosque to the nearby Cathedral located across the mosque.

President Jokowi also pointed out that the renovation project has been running well and everything looks clean, including the floors.

“The next step is the replacement of the sound system, the lighting and the carpets. The ablution place will also be repaired. This is indeed a total renovation,” he said, adding that the whole renovation process will be completed in April this year so that the mosque can be used for tarawih (evening prayer during Ramadan) prayer this upcoming Ramadan.

“(Istiqlal) is part of our heritage so the renovation project should be conducted properly and should not damage the building,” the President said.

The Istiqlal Mosque – which is located in Central Jakarta- was opened to the public 22 February 1978. The mosque was designed by  Frederich Silaban, a Christian architect from North Sumatra province. (FID/EN)

Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Reviewed by: Yuyu Mulyani

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