“Single Fuel Price & Development for All Regions in Indonesia,” President Jokowi Says

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 17 Oktober 2016
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President Jokowi and First Lady Ibu Iriana arrive in Sentani, Jayapura Regency, Papua (17/10)

President Jokowi and First Lady Ibu Iriana arrive in Sentani, Jayapura Regency, Papua (17/10)

The development will not only be implemented in Papua, but also in all regions in Indonesia. It aims to meet the urgent needs of the people as well as to drive the economy of the local areas. The statement was made by President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo on Monday (17/10) in Sentani, Jayapura Regency, Papua, after inaugurating several electricity infrastructure projects for Papua and West Papua.

“I think besides Papua in Eastern Indonesia, the Government wants to pay attention to other regions in Eastern, Central, and Western Indonesia as well, be it in the term of infrastructures, economic growth, and industrial development. I think these are our objectives,” the President said.

Previously, on his remarks during the inauguration, President Jokowi explained that his visit to Papua is meant to inaugurate single price of fuel. Considering the dissimilarity in the price, the President needs to take that action.

“Fuel price in Java Island reaches Rp7,000 per liter, while the price here might reach Rp100,000 per liter. The price in Wamena is between Rp60,000 to Rp70,000 per liter. I think it should not be like that. If the price is Rp7,000 per liter in Western and Central Indonesia, the price in Eastern Indonesia should be the same,” the President stated.

The efforts to make the price of fuel in Papua and West Papua equal as the one in other regions in Indonesia is not easy. “Managing Director of Indonesian State-Owned Oil and Gas Company Pertamina told me that if the fuel price is Rp7,000 in all regions, the state will suffer many losses,” the President added.

President Jokowi instructed the Managing Director of Pertamina to find solution so that the single price will be immediately applied in all regions around Indonesia. The President explained that the single price is not a matter of profit and loss, but it will improve the welfare of the people. “The price must be the same and it is expected to drive the economy in Papua. Electricity sufficiency, and single price of fuel will drive the economy,” the President firmly said.

In the event, President Jokowi and First Lady Ibu Iriana Joko Widodo were accompanied by Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Rini Soemarno, Presidential Chief of Staff Teten Masduki, Governor of Papua Lukas Enembe, and Managing Director of State-Owned Electricity Company (PLN) Sofyan Basir. (BPMI Setpres/ES) (RAS/YM/Naster)

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