SKB Signed, Marwan: Immediate Spend the Village Fund

By Humas     Date 10 September 2015
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Minister for Villages, Underdelopment Regions (PDT), and Transmigration Marwan Jafar

After the signing of the Joint Decree (SKB) by 3 (three) ministers, namely the Minister of Finance Bambang Brodjonegoro, Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo, and Minister for Villages, Underdevelopment Regions (PDT), and Transmigration Marwan Jafar, in Jakarta, on Tuesday (8 / 9), the Village Fund disbursement certainly now much simpler. Therefore, there is no longer any reason for villages to not spend the funds immediately.

Minister for Villages, PDT, and Transmigration Marwan Jafar, said, three ministerial decree simplifies all procedures village funds, so concise and straightforward. In this decree set the procedures for the use of village funds.

“As for the rules regarding the Medium Term Development Plan Rural (RPJMDes) and Village Government Work Plan (RKPDes) could be nothing. Only Budget Village (APBDes) is still the rule, and it was not much. Just one sheet is fine,” Marwan said, in Jakarta, Wednesday (9/9).

Marwan added, three ministerial decree on the Village Fund at once stressed to villages to immediately use the funds of the village, for the village program.

Regarding the provisions concerning the criteria for the Regent Regulation (Perbup) and Mayor Regulation (Perwali) in the disbursement and use of village funds, the Minister of Rural, PDT, and Transmigration was confirmed that the three ministerial decree stipulated that this provision is simplified. Even simply the instruction of the central and provincial, the Village Fund could be used.

“On Perbup and Perwali that we simplify also becomes the directly direction from the center in the form of three ministerial decree. Enough with the instructions only,” Marwan said.

As for the view that the abolition RPJMdes and RPKDes contrary to the Act, Marwan reminded that the rules stipulated in this decree in order to expedite the use of village funds that are not long-winded. He emphasized that if the procedure was left rambling, thus the Village Fund becomes absorbed all.

Marwan explained that he is making a team work through the night until 12 o’clock at night, for as soon as possible to revise the Law on the Village.

“The team as from the Ministry of the Village, and will coordinate with the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights as soon as possible to revise the Law on the Village. The goal that the village funds directly from the state budget down to the village, no need to district / city first, “said Marwan.

Rural Economy

When announcing the launch of the Economic Policy Package Phase I September 2015, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (9/9) night, the President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had mentioned regarding disbursement of acceleration and simplification of the use of village funds for infrastructure development in the rural labor intensive.

While Coordinating Minister for Economics Darmin Nasution said explained, accelerated disbursement of Village Fund, intended to drive the rural economy and protect low-income people. (Humas Kemendes, PDT, dan Transmigras/ES)

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