Sports Minister Delivers Statement on U-20 World Cup Postponement

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 25 Desember 2020
Category: News
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Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali. Photo by: PR of Cabinet Secretariat.

Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali on Friday (25/12) delivered a statement regarding decision of international soccer federation FIFA to postpone the 2021 U-20 World Cup.

The statement of the Minister is as follows:

  1. First of all, as Minister of Youth and Sports, I express my Christmas wishes to those who celebrate it.
  2. Regarding to the FIFA’s decision on the 2021 U-20 World Cup, which will initially take place in Indonesia in 2021, last night I received information on the postponement of the event from the PSSI (Indonesia Soccer Association) and we immediately downloaded the information from the FIFA website.

In its official statement, the FIFA has stipulated its decision to officially postpone the 2021 U-20 World Cup from the initial schedule in May and June 2021 to 2023. FIFA has also postponed the U-17 World Cup, which was originally planned to be held in 2021 in Peru to 2023.

  1. The Government fully understands FIFA’s decision which is based on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic across the globe. In addition, the Government also highly respects FIFA because before the decision was taken, FIFA had considered many aspects and it greatly appreciated the seriousness of the Indonesian Government and the PSSI for the successful event of the 2021 U-20 World Cup. I also extend my appreciation to the PSSI for supporting the Central Government and regional governments in the preparations of the event.
  2. Last night I reported the FIFA’s decision to Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture. The next step that will be taken immediately is to hold a coordination meeting at the beginning of next week which will be chaired directly by the Coordinating Minister. We will also invite all related parties, including stakeholders form the Central Government and regional governments as well as the PSSI.

The important things to be discussed include a thorough explanation of the postponement of the event, updates and continuation of renovation of stadiums and training fields, as well as updates and continuation of the development of the National Team.

  1. For the record, the Government has made its best effort to convince FIFA through a letter sent in early December 2020 to the FIFA President. The letter covers our efforts to overcome the problem of the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter also mentions the support of President of the Republic of Indonesia through Presidential Decree and Presidential Instruction, as well as the preparation of the National Team and venues renovation.

6. After the coordination meeting next week, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture and Minister of Youth and Sports will immediately submit the complete report to the President. (Public Relations of Ministry of Youth and Sports/UN) (RI/EP)

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