State Apparatus Must Remain Neutral in Upcoming Elections

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 2 April 2019
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SE-PANRBMinister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms Syafruddin on 26 March 2019 signed Circular Number B/94/M.SM.00.00/2019 on Neutrality of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) during the 2019 Presidential and Legislative Election.

In the circular addressed to Personnel Supervisor Officers (PPK) of Central Government Agencies as well as Regional Government Agencies, the Minister instructs all ASNs to uphold neutrality and impartiality during the elections.

“ASN must avoid personal or group conflicts of interest and must not support any political candidate or have any affiliation with any political party,” the circular reads.

The circular also stipulates that the ASN is obliged to uphold the honor of the nation, the Government and the ASN, and is prohibited from becoming a member and/or administrator of a political party.

“ASN must not support any candidate of President/Vice President, or candidate of House of Representatives, Regional Representative Council, or Regional House of Representatives,” the circular states.

The circular also states that the ASN suspected of violating the neutrality would be reported to the local election supervisory body that will provide recommendation to relevant agencies for further actions.

“If the aforementioned examination finds violation of the code of ethics, the settlement must be carried out in accordance with Government Regulation Number 42 of 2004 on Maintaining esprit de corps and Code of Ethics of Civil Servants. If the examination finds disciplinary violation, the settlement must be carried out in accordance with Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 on Discipline of Civil Servants,” the circular reads.

All follow-up recommendations, according to the circular, must be reported to Chairman of the State Civil Apparatus Commission with a copy to Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms.

In the event that the recommendation is not followed up by the PPK, the State Civil Apparatus Commission may recommend to the President to impose administrative sanctions in accordance with the laws and regulations.

The Minister also instructs Personnel Supervisor Officers (PPK) and Authorized Officials (PyB) of the Government Agencies to properly implement and disseminate the circular.

“The PPK and the PyB of the Government Agencies must: a. maintain good environment and provide opportunities for the ASN to exercise their rights to vote freely under the principle of neutrality; and b. supervise the ASN in their respective institutions before, during, and after the campaign period in order to maintain their compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations and official provisions,” the circular reads.

The Minister also instructs the ASN to maintain solidarity, solidity and esprit de corps in responding to the current political situation, and to uphold principle of neutrality.

The copies of the circular are submitted to: 1. President of the Republic of Indonesia; 2. Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia; 3. Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU); and 4. Chairman of the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu). (JDIH Kementerian PANRB/ES)

Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Ersan Pamungkas

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