State Apparatus Must Resign Before Running in Legislative Contest

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 2 April 2019
Category: News
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PNS-PusatMinister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Syafruddin has instructed State Civil Apparatus (ASN) who become candidate for legislative election (caleg) or join any political party to resign from public service.

The instruction is stipulated in Circular Number B/94/M.SM.00.00/2019 on Neutrality of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the 2019 Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and the 2019 Legislative Election. In the Circular issued on 26 March 2019, the Minister stated that any ASN who becomes candidate for legislative election must deliver an irrevocable resignation letter.

“The aforementioned termination is issued not later than 14 (fourteen) working days after the proposal for dismissal is accepted,” Syafruddin said.

The dismissal of the ASN who becomes legislative candidate does not refer to resignation letter after being confirmed as a candidate by the General Election Commission (KPU); instead, it refers to the prohibition for ASN from becoming a member and/or an administrator of a political party.

“The ASN who has resigned must be honorably dismissed, starting from the end of the month of the resignation,” the circular reads.

“The aforementioned ASN, who does not resign as intended, must be dishonorably dismissed from the end of the month during which the ASN becomes a member and/or administrator of a political party,” the Circular states.

The decision for dishonorably dismissal must be issued no later than 21 (twenty one) working days after the ASN is proven to be a member and/or administrator of a political party.

Regarding the legislative candidate who has passed the selection as a candidate for ASN, the acceptance must be reversed by the Selection Committee, the Circular states. (JDIH Kementerian PANRB/ES)

Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Ersan Pamungkas

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