Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia at a Joint Press Statement with Philippine President Bongbong Marcos, Malacañang Palace, Manila, the Philippines, January 10, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 10 Januari 2024
Category: Press Statement @en
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Mr. President Marcos Junior, thank you for your warm welcome given to me and the delegation. Seventy-five years of Indonesia and the Philippines diplomatic relations are an excellent momentum to further strengthen concrete cooperation between the two countries. In this regard, I would like to say three things.

The first, in the field of politics and security, we have agreed to strengthen border cooperation by encouraging the acceleration of revisions of the border patrol agreement, border crossing agreement, and the settlement of continental shelf boundaries and strengthening defense cooperation, including the reinforcement of primary weapons system.

Second, to bolster cooperation in the field of economy to increase trade, we have agreed to continue to open market access, and Indonesia seeks the Philippines’ support related to special safeguard measures for Indonesian coffee products.

I also appreciate the Philippines’ trust in Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the construction of important infrastructure in the Philippines, including for accelerating the North-South Commuter Railway project.

Third, regarding regional cooperation. We have agreed on the importance of strengthening ASEAN unity and centrality which is not just a jargon, and ASEAN must continue to adhere to the principles of international law and maintain positive force for peace, stability, and wellbeing.

Thank you.


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