Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia at Inauguration of Ministers and Deputy Ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet for the Remainder of the 2019-2024 Period, at the State Palace, DKI Jakarta Province, June 15, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 15 Juni 2022
Category: Speech Transcript
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Sir, regarding today’s decision, Sir, the inauguration.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (President Joko Widodo):
Yes, (the inauguration went) according to plan. So today, we have seen the ministers and deputy ministers being sworn-in together.

Is there a special reason for choosing Pak Zul Hasan and Pak Hadi?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (President Joko Widodo):
Yes, we see everything, track record, experience, then especially for managerial skills, because now it’s not only macro, but micro also has to be done in detail.

I see Pak Zul with experience, with a track record, a long track record, I think it will be very good for (the position of) Minister of Trade. Considering currently food affairs related to the people, it requires field experience, it requires work that goes into the field to see directly related issues, especially those related to the people’s basic needs. In terms of exports, I think it’s also the matter of the Minister of Trade. But what is more important is that we have to deal with the basic needs in the country.

Then for Pak Hadi as Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (BPN), because he used to be a former commander, he knows the territory and we also know Pak Hadi when he goes to the field, his work is very detailed. Therefore, last night I conveyed, matters relating to land disputes must be resolved as much as possible. Second, the issue of certificates must be resolved as much as possible and I believe Pak Hadi has the ability to do so.

Including the accelerated development for the Nusantara Capital City/IKN, Sir, right?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (President Joko Widodo):
This includes land affairs, land related to IKN, right.

Thank you, Sir.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (President Joko Widodo):
Yes, later you may ask directly to Pak Zul, Pak Hadi, please.



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