Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of Dumai, Rokan Hilir, and Bengkalis (Durolis) Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) in Tanah Putih Tanjung Melawan District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province, January 5, 2023
By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation    
Date 5 Januari 2023
Category: Speech Transcript
Read: 227 Views
Sir, how was the inspection?
President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Well, this is a quite huge SPAM project since the intake channeled from the Rokan river, a big river. [The SPAM] can supply two regencies and one city, namely Rokan Hilir regency, Bengkalis regency, and Dumai city.
It is our hope that by building the SPAM, the water quality consumed by people can be improved. [The good quality of water] will decrease [the number of] stunting, diseases affected by raw water without prior treatment process. I noticed that all provinces need this kind of SPAM.