Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia During the Distribution of Wage Subsidy, at Ternate Vocational and Productivity Training Center, Ternate City, North Maluku Province, 28 September 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 28 September 2022
Category: Press Statement @en
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President Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Okay, we distributed Wage Subsidy in Ternate City that [in total] has been distributed to 7,077,550 beneficiaries or 48.34 percent, as of today. The distribution will be speeded up by the Minister, particularly in regions far from the capital city. I will also monitor the distribution of the subsidy. Of course, not all regions but I will monitor it one by one.

As for fuel cash assistance, it has reached 96.6 percent as of today and has been distributed to 508 regencies and municipalities. It has been disbursed to nearly 20 million [beneficiaries], 19,955,471 beneficiaries, to be exact. We hope that the people’s purchasing power can be maintained through the distribution of the social assistance which will eventually stimulate, boost national economy, and create macro-economic growth. That is all we wish for.

Mr. President, Sofifi as the Capital of the province has been established for decades, but it is still under the administration of a sub-district.

President Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

I will check it. Afterwards, I can give a statement. For now, I haven’t checked it. The Governor had also told me about it. We will see it first, and then I will give the statement.

Hopefully, [the Government] pay attention to this issue. In fact, there is proliferation of four provinces in Papua.

President Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

We will check it. We’ll see.

There’s one more thing, Sir. Regarding Temadore, Ternate-Maitara-Tidore, Temadore Bridge which is lately been….

President Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

I haven’t received any report from the Governor nor from the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing. I will discuss about this issue with the Governor.

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