Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia during the Joint Press Statement with Prime Minister of Japan, at Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java Province, April 29, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 29 April 2022
Category: Press Statement @en
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President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

His Excellency Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to welcome back Prime Minister Kishida to Indonesia. It is an honor for me to receive His Excellency’s visit, and I welcome His Excellency’s commitment to continuously strengthening the bilateral relations between Indonesia and Japan.

In the bilateral relations, we have agreed to continuously increase cooperation in trade and investment.

In trade, we have agreed to intensify negotiation of IJEPA (Indonesian-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement) and to minimize any hindrance on trade, so it will be more fruitful for both countries. In particular, I have made a request to open a wide access for Indonesian agricultural and fishery products to Japanese market.

In investment, I welcome the expansion of Japanese automotive companies, such as Toyota and Mitsubishi, that will make Indonesia as the automotive hub in the region. However, I also hope that Japan will have more investments in other sectors, such as energy, cement industry, agricultural technology, and health, and also will make Indonesia as an important part of global supply chain of Japanese industry.

In infrastructure sector, I welcome the continuation of Patimban Port project phase 1 and phase 2, and also the finishing process of the ongoing infrastructure projects, such as MRT Jakarta. In the future, Indonesia hopes that Japan will participate in infrastructure projects, such as the Capital City of Nusantara and also the Ambon Port.

In marine and fishery sectors, I welcome the participation of Japan in establishing marine and fishery center in Natuna and Biak that have been completed and the commitment to establish the same centers in Sabang, Moa, Saumlaki, and Morotai.

In energy and environment sectors, I hope to accelerate the follow-up action of cooperation in energy transition through investment in renewable new energies, such as hydrogen, biomass, and methanol, as well as to finalize and implement the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in environment sector.

In manpower sector, I have emphasized the big potential of Indonesian migrant workers to fill job vacancies in Japan. Strengthening cooperation in training for potential Indonesian migrant workers must be done together.

On regional and global issues, particularly on Ukraine, I have emphasized that Indonesia calls on all countries to respect the sovereignty and integrity of other countries’ territory consistently. The Ukrainian war must stop and we agree to create a conducive situation, so the negotiation and peaceful solution can be achieved immediately.

So far, I have discussed with a number of heads of state/heads of government. Once again, the war must stop and peaceful solution must be achieved. The world must cooperate to overcome the impact of war, be it on humanity or the economy. We will use Indonesia’s presidency in G20 as a catalyst for humanitarian response and global economy recovery.

On Myanmar, I have emphasized the importance of cooperation between ASEAN and Japan to ensure that ASEAN’s Five-Point Consensus can be implemented.

Lastly, we have also discussed Indo-Pacific cooperation in order to be a peaceful, stable, and prosperous region. I have emphasized the importance of building strategic trust in the region. Indonesia and ASEAN are ready to cooperate with partners, especially in maritime sector, connectivity, and SDGs attainment, as well as trade and investment.

That concludes my statement. I now invite Prime Minister Kishida to deliver his statement.

Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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