Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia on the Public Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Revocation, at State Palace, Jakarta, December 30, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 12 Desember 2022
Category: Speech Transcript
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President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

My fellow citizens,

Alhamdulillah, Indonesia is one of successful countries in both handling the pandemic and maintaining economic stability. The balanced policy—which is proven effective in managing health and economic affairs—is the key to our success.

As we can observe in the last few months, the COVID-19 pandemic is getting under control. As of December 27, 2022, COVID-19 daily case is 1.7 cases per million people, weekly positivity rate is 3.35 percent, bed occupancy rate (BOR) is 4.79 percent, and mortality rate is 2.39 percent. In fact, the numbers are all below the standards set by the WHO. Also, all regencies/cities in Indonesia are currently imposing PPKM Level 1, which is in the lowest restrictions level.

After thorough and careful deliberations as well as a 10-month extensive studies, while considering the recent pandemic situation in the country, today, the Government decided to revoke PPKM policy as stipulated in Minister of Home Affairs Instructions Numbers 50 and 51 of 2022. Therefore, there are no more restrictions on crowds and people’s mobility.

Nevertheless, I urge the entire community and elements of the nation to remain vigilant and cautious.

First, the people must increase awareness and vigilance in dealing with the risks of COVID-19. We must continue wearing masks in crowds and indoor spaces; get booster vaccinations to increase immunity; and we must become more independent in tackling transmission, detecting symptoms, and seeking treatment.

Second, government apparatus and agencies must remain vigilant. Health facilities in all regions must be ready with their facilities and personnel; ensure that the vaccination mechanism on the ground continues, especially booster vaccinations; also, in this transitional period, the Central and regional COVID-19 Task Forces are still retained to respond to the rapid spread. So, the regional COVID-19 Task Forces will remain exist during transitional period.

My fellow citizens,

Even though the PPKM policy is revoked, I would like to stress that you shouldn’t be worried. As PPKM is lifted, the Government will continue distributing social assistance. Once again, social assistance will continue in 2023. Vitamins and medicines assistance will continue to be distributed at designated health facilities, and several policies such as tax incentives and others will also continue.

That concludes my remarks on this auspicious occasion. May God the Almighty always give us His blessing to realize an advanced Indonesia.

Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Also, I need to add something here, Indonesia is one of four G20 countries which has not experienced pandemic wave for ten, eleven consecutive months. As we remember, we reach the peak of the COVID-29 Delta variant wave with 56 thousand daily cases in July 2021 and the Omicron variant in February 2022 with 64 thousand daily cases. I think we need to know such data.

The pandemic is getting under control. As of Tuesday (12/29), COVID-19 daily case merely at 685 cases, mortality rate is 2.39 percent, bed occupancy rate (BOR) is 4.79 percent, and patients admitted to the ICU is at 297 cases per day.

Also, the PPKM revocation is also based on the high coverage of the people’s immunity and COVID-19 vaccinations. According to a sero survey, it was 87.8 percent in December last year and 98.5 percent in July 2022. It means that our immunity as a community is at a very high level. And the number of vaccinations to date is 448,525,478 doses. The number is relatively high.

I think that’s from me.

Nina (Journalist of Harian Kompas)
Good afternoon, Sir. My name is Nina from Harian Kompas.

The PPKM revocation is carried out prior to the New Year’s Eve and usually on New Year’s Eve there will be some crowds. Is there any anticipation from the Government to prevent a case spike? Maybe, after the New Year’s holiday is over?

Also, several countries currently experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases, such as China, even though Indonesia is not. What is the Government’s anticipation of the surge possibility? And, will there be any anticipation or special treatment for people arriving from such countries? That’s all from me.

Thank you.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Previously, I have stated that our immunity level, from the sero survey, was 98.5 percent in July. We use that number as a reference that our immunity is already excellent so there is no need for us to perform PCR test anymore at airports like other countries. And, since February this year, several countries have also reached a peak of new cases of the Omicron variant. We have managed to control that and we are one of the few countries across the globe that has not experienced a pandemic wave for 10-11 months in a row.

What does it mean? We are not revoke the PPKM policy randomly, but based on scientific studies, including input from epidemiologists both related to people’s immunity or the virus development, all of these has gone through extensive studies and taking into account the recent situation developments month by month. This is our prudence, not rushing to revoke at that time, even though there is no spike in cases.

Desy (Journalist of Republika)

Good afternoon, Sir. My name is Desy from Republika.

I would like to ask; what date will the PPKM revocation take effect? Does it start today or at the beginning of the new year? Second, will the health emergency status also be revoked along with the PPKM revocation?

Thank you, Sir.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

The PPKM policy will be revoked starting today since Minister of Home Affairs will issue an Instruction of Minister of Home Affairs immediately. Also, the emergency status has not been revoked since the pandemic has not ended completely; the pandemic status is not applied to certaincountries, but worldwide, so the health emergency status is maintained following the status of the Public Health Emergency of International Concern decided by the World Health Organization (WHO), not us.

Fajar (Journalist of Tempo)

One more questions, Sir. My name is Fajar from Tempo.

First, I would like to ask about the PPKM revocation which was announced today, that coincided with the stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) on Job Creation, which one of the reasons is to boost the economy due to a compelling crisis. Was the PPKM revocation also based on the reason that the Government wanted to speed up economic recovery or did they want the economy to move immediately and the PPKM revocation was announced on the same day as the Perppu on Job Creation?

And the second question, if I may link it to the Perppu of Job Creation. Previously, Pak Mahfud might have explained it, but there are still many people who criticize it. The “compelling crises” reason is not enough if you take war or global economic conditions that affect Indonesia into account. Many criticize such reason for the Perppu to be issued. What is your response, Mr. President, to this criticism?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Health and economic affairs are separate things here. So, please do not mix them up. The PPKM revocation is actual because we take into account of COVID-19 cases in the country and the results of the sero survey, which I showed earlier on the screen, whose results also show that more than 98 percent of our population already has immunity to COVID-19. When it comes to the economy, it’s on the Job Creation Law. It’s different and mere coincide if both of them are issued on the same day, that’s all.

Is there anything wrong with the Perppu? We know that our country looks normal, but we are being watched by threat of global uncertainty. I have said many times, there are 14 countries that are in debt to the IMF and 28 countries are lining up at the IMF’s door to become debtors. Actually, the world is not fine. For that reason, we have to issue the Perppu to provide legal certainty, a legal vacuum, which is in the perception of investors, both domestic and foreign investors. That is the most important thing, for in 2023 our economy will be very dependent on investment and exports.

Any more question?

Indri (Journalist of Media Indonesia)
I have a question, Mr. Jokowi. My name is Indri from Media Indonesia.

The question is about booster vaccination. Based on current situation, there are still people who have difficulty obtaining booster vaccines, also there is news that vaccinations for toddler is not free. Is this correct, sir?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Minister of Health?

Minister of Health (Budi Gunadi Sadikin)
Thank you.

As for booster vaccinations, we still have a stock of more than 4 million doses, this is a grant, coming from abroad. Yesterday, upon direction from Mr. President, we also purchased domestic production vaccines, both from Inavac and Indovac. So one is from Biofarma, the other is from Biotis and Airlangga University with a total of between 5 and 10 million doses and they are already available. However, our vaccination capacity is now slightly down from 2 million per day to 100-150 thousand per day.

So, actually the stocks are there and I’m asking for help from our media friends to convince people, especially the elderly, so they are willing to receive booster vaccinations or the first two vaccinations. Based on our observation, current hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and those who have died from it, turns out that more than 50 percent had not been receive vaccination and more than 70 percent had not been receive booster vaccination. So I urge you, especially the elderly, who have not been vaccinated and receive booster vaccination to get it immediately for the stock is still abundant, around 10 million doses.

Thank you.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
We must rekindle our enthusiasm for vaccination, so that people want to be vaccinated, be it booster vaccination or the first two doses.

Is it? Do you have anything to add, Minister of Home Affairs?

Minister of Home Affairs (Muhammad Tito Karnavian)

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
I think that is enough.

I thank you.


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