State Asset Value Reaches Rp5,285 Trillion, We Have to Manage Them Well: Finance Minister

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 3 November 2016
Category: News
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Finance Minister Sri Mulyani opens Directorate General of State Assets Management’s National Working Meeting, at Djuanda Hall, Finance Ministry, Jakarta.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani opens Directorate General of State Assets Management’s National Working Meeting, at Djuanda Hall, Finance Ministry, Jakarta.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that there are three minimum aspects in managing state assets today. First, good administration and law in managing state assets; second, certification; and third, assessment/evaluation.

“So, it does not work solely by claiming it is the state assets, but how to manage it. Therefore, the steps like administration, certification, and evaluation are considered as the minimum standards of state assets management,” Sri Mulyani said on her opening remarks at the 2016 Directorate General of State Assets Management (DJKN) National Working Meeting (Rakernas) at DjuandaHall of the Finance Ministry, Jakarta, on Wednesday (2/11).

Previously, at the Working Meeting that features a theme “Improving DJKN Reputation by Optimizing the State Assets for National Economy”, the Director General of State Assets Management Sonny Loho reported that since the first evaluation of state assets in 2007, the value keeps increasing each year. Until June 30th 2016, it has reached Rp5,285 trillion, spreading over various ministers/institutions and regions.

The increase of the assets value, according to Sonny, reflects the better situation of Indonesia’s economic scale. “So, it is getting bigger each year thanks to capital expenditure and inventory. It will generate a bigger Indonesia’s economic scale,” he said.

However, Sonny admitted, these values do not include the assets in natural resources, which has not been assessed until now. Therefore, as the assets manager, DJKN will immediately do the assessment of the natural resources to further reflect the real condition of Indonesia’s wealth.

Not Included in the Book

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati asserted that her ideal conduct of administration is not only in form of accountancy. She also mentioned that we used to register the information into a journal; even the Presidential Palace was not registered in the journal.

“I am satisfied that we have put forth the efforts to register so many properties or state assets which were unregistered and uncertified. Now,we are able to do it simultaneously, and find there are plenty of them that have been entered in the balance and certified,” the Minister further said.

Finance Minister emphasizes that the collaboration with Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency(BPN) is important for the processof state assets certification. “With a good cooperation with the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency(BPN), I am confident we are going to be better, faster, and more convincing in processing the certification.” she said. (BKI Kemenkeu/ES) (SU/MMB/Naster)

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