The Condition of Border Post in Entikong Unpleasant, President Jokowi Asks for Immediate Renovation

By Humas     Date 22 Januari 2015
Category: News
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President Jokowi visiting Transboundary Checkpoint (PPLB) Entikong, West Kalimantan, Wednesday (21/1)

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) promised to rehabilitate the Transboundary Checkpoint  (PPLB) in Entikong, West Kalimantan, that the condition is considered unpleasant.

When reviewing PPLB Entikong that is the first land border crossings of Indonesia,  President Jokowi accompanied by First Lady Iriana Jokowi Widodo and Cabinet Secretary Andi Wijayanto seemed disappointed to see the condition of the border posts, which are considered not show significant progress.

“I’ve got the information, indeed it already more than 25 years there was no improvement, when we compared with neighboring countries indeed very far behind,” Jokowi said.

President assessess, that in terms of service and then to the physical building and others, PPLB Entikong is very far behind compared to the adjacent neighbor country. Therefore, in this year, said Jokowi, the government will begin to build this Entikong border region.

The President promised to rehabilitate PPLB Entikong and other border regions in Indonesia.  “Especially for PPLB Entikong, the construction will begin next March,” President Jokowi said, while visiting PPLB Entikong, Wednesday (21/1) morning. In next December, President Jokowi said that he would visit PPLB Entikong again to see the progress of development there.

On that occasion, President Jokowi dialogues with local communities, which of them complained about the condition of the road of Entikong – Pontinak that has been heavily damaged.

After carrying out the review, President Jokowi and the entourage proceeded towards to Sanggau District to review the construction project of bridge Tayan (Humas Setkab/ES)

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