The Government Soon Implement the Emergency Operations for Forest and Land Fire Fighting

By Humas     Date 7 September 2015
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Asap Riau

The Government Soon Implement the Emergency Operations for Forest and Land Fire Fighting

“The central government and local government both provincial and district levels and supported by the military and police have committed to implementing a joint operation for the prevention of forest fires and land (karhutla),” said Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (LHK) Bambang Hendroyono when explaining the results of the coordination meeting land and forest fires, in the building Mangala Wanabakti Jakarta, Saturday (5/9) afternoon.

The meeting was attended by National Police Chief General Badrodin Haiti, the TNI chief Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said, Minister of Environment and Forestry ad interim, as well as the number of governors whose territory is affected by land and forest fires.

According to Bambang, it will be established by the Decree of the Minister of LHK on Emergency Operation Smoke. In addition, it will also set the task force nationally.

He said the governors, especially in the five provinces of Riau, South Sumatra, Jambi, Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan, will be in charge in the area in the response to forest fires and land.

As an effort extinguishing the burning of forests and the land, said Bambang, will be done through the ground by deploying a wide range of firefighting equipment and personnel from Mangala Agni (prevention unit of karhutla under the Ministry of LHK) and owned by businessmen of forestry and plantations. In addition, will be a blackout from the air with “water bombing” that utilizes military aircraft.

Previously, ad interim Minister of LHK Sudirman Said conveyed that in addition to the immediate situation resolved, in the future the problem repeated like this should be able to find a solution.

While the TNI Commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo states, military support helicopters, and the CN 295, as well as Hercules, Cessna for engineering the weather in the affected areas of smoke.

“In addition there is the Task Force which patrols as blackouts, there is implementing law enforcement and health as well,” TNI Commander said. (*/ANT/ES)

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