The Government to Raise Non-Cash Subsidies

Minister Puan Maharani states in a press conference after leading Ministerial Coordination Meeting at the Ministry of Human Development and Cultures Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (18/4) (Photo: PR/Rahmat).
Indonesian Government has ensured to increase Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) of the 2018 Budget, from 1.2 million Beneficiary Families (KPM) to 3.2 million households.
In total BPNT allocation after the first stage has been raised amounting to 3.2 million households in 68 regencies/cities, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Puan Maharani stated in a press conference after leading a Ministerial Coordination Meeting (RTM) on Preparedness of 2018 BPNT Raise, at the office of Coordinating Ministry of PMK, on Wednesday (18/4).
The coordination meeting was hold to ensure the 2018 BPNT rise beginning with preparedness of April 2018 BPNT first stage by transferring the BPNTs households starting on 25 April 2018, and focusing on determination of BPNT second stage rise which is still in a review.
According to Puan, the BPNT first stage rise will add 2 million households in 24 regencies/cities. Meanwhile, the second stage on 2.2 million households in 34 regencies. The plan of BPNT second stage rise is still in a review because Welfare Family Card (KKS) has not been handed over completely, and the unreadiness of e-Warong (e-stall).
As we are all aware, the amount of BPNT is Rp110,000 per month per household. This aid could not be handed cash. It can only be exchanged with rice or eggs in e-Warong.
The coordination meeting was attended by Minister of Social Affairs Idrus Marham, Vice Minister of Finance Mardiasmo, Executive Secretary of National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) Bambang Widyanto, representative from Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/ Head of National Land Agency, Minister of State Owned Enterprises, Bank Indonesia, Financial Services Authority (OJK), Indonesian Bureau of Logistics (Perum Bulog), and all member banks of Association of State Owned Banks (Himbara). (Humas Kemenko PMK/ES) (EPI/YM/Naster)