The Presidential Regulation No. 64 Year 2015 on the Cost of Hajj for the Year of 1436H / 2015M

By Humas     Date 29 Mei 2015
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The Presidential Regulation No. 64 Year 2015 on the Cost of Hajj for the Year of 1436H / 2015M

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (27/5) afternoon, stated that had signed a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 64 Year 2015 on Cost of Hajj (BPIH) for the year of 1436 H / 2015 M. Based on the Perpres, there is a significant decrease in average of 502 US Dollars, from 3,219 US Dollar to 2,717 US Dollars.

In the Presidential Regulation No. 64 2015 stated, that BPIH for the year of 1436 H / 2015 M covers the cost of lodging in Makkah and the cost of living.

As for the amount of BPIH Year 1436H / 2015M as referred to 12 (twelve) embarkation are:

a. Embarkation Aceh of 2,401 US Dollars;

b. Embarkation field of 2,404 Dollars;

c. Batam embarkation of 2,556 Dollars;

d. Padang embarkation of 2,561 Dollars;

e. Palembang embarkation of 2,623 Dollars;

f. Embarkation Jakarta of 2,626 Dollars;

g. Solo embarkation of 2,769 US Dollars;

h. Surabaya embarkation of 2,801 US Dollars;

i. Banjarmasin embarkation of 2,924 US Dollars;

j. Balikpapan embarkation of 2,926 US Dollars;

k. Makassar embarkation of 3,055 US Dollars; and

l. Lombok embarkation of 2,962 US Dollars.

As for the amount of BPIH for Pilgrims who follow Special Hajj Pilgrimage determined by the Minister of Religious in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

“Payment of BPIH for the year of 1436 H / 2015 M conducted with American Dollars or Rupiah, accordance selling rate of Bank Indonesia transaction, which is applicable on the day and date of payment,” reads Article 4 Paragraph (1) Presidential Regulation No. 64 Year 2015.

Payment of BPIH is deposited to the  Minister of Religion Affairs account on Recipient Bank Deposit (BPS) of BPIH.

According to this regulation, the Hajj Pilgrims will accept returns of BPIH in terms of: a. Died before leaving to perform the Hajj Pilgrimage; or b. Cancel the departure due to health reasons or other valid reasons.

“Further provisions that necessary for the implementation of this Presidential Regulation stipulated by the Ministry of Religion,” reads Article 8 of the regulation.

With the enactment of Presidential Regulation No. 64 Year 2015, the then Presidential Regulation No. 49 Year 2014 on Cost of Hajj Year 1435H / 2014M, revoked and declared invalid.

“This Presidential Regulation shall enter into force on the date of enactment,” reads Article 9 of Presidential Decree No. 64 Year 2015 that was signed by the Minister of Law and Human Yasonna H. Laoly on May 21, 2015. . (Pusdatin/ES)

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