The Use of Domestic Production, the Government is Preparing the Format of Sanctions

Minister of Industry, Saleh Husin
Minister of Industry, Saleh Husin points out, there are many products that have been produced in the country. Not only pipe as exemplified by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), but also has many products, for example for boiler, turbine on a small scale or a transformer, cables, and other items that can be produced domestically.
“It should be prioritized, no longer have to use foreign products,” Minister of Industry Saleh Husin told to reporters after a cabinet session led by President Jokowi at the Presidential office in Jakarta on Monday (15/6) afternoon.
In the cabinet meeting, President Jokowi reiterated that the importance of the use of domestic products to all ministries/institutions especially also the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs).
President even asked the ministries/institutions to inventory list of goods needs. “If the goods had to be imported, please see again, is there any substitution of goods that can be produced in the country,” President Jokowi said while asking the Minister of Industry, Saleh Husin should be able to find a solution where the goods have to be produced.
For example, President Jokowi continued, just like pipes, which still imported, whereas in Batam that our pipes production have been very good, have good qualifications, quantity and large capacity, but only used 40 percent because of ministries, agencies, state enterprises are still importing.
“It is not allowed anymore, stop! In order for our trade balance became better and production in the country everything is moving,” President Jokowi said.
Preparing the Sanctions Format
Minister of Industry believes, if the Ministry/Institutions (K/L) have provided a list of the capital expenditure of domestic products as requested by the President Jokowi, then the government will prioritize the use of the products, which can be produced in our own country.
In addition, Minister of Industry, Saleh continued, the Government also has tips. “We’re doing the preparation of MoU with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to perform audits on the use of domestic products of each government institutions either the ministry or state-owned enterprises,” Saleh said.
Related to the possibility of the persistence of the K/L or SOEs that still importing, Minister of Industry emphasized that the government was preparing sanctions format “Being drafted, it will look for the format,” he said. (Humas Setkab/ES)