The Weather Conditions in Sumatra and Kalimantan Gradually Good

Activities at the International Airport of Sultan Syarif Kasim II Pekanbaru gradually good after the rains pouring down in a few days.
The rain that flushed in Sumatra and Kalimantan causes the weather conditions has gradually good and normal. Hotspot has begun to diminish, visibility is more obvious, and the air quality improves.
In Pekanbaru the weather is cloudy all day, with visibility up to 10,000 meters on Sunday (1-11). Likewise other areas, which previously surrounded by the smoke from land and forest fires.
The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) estimated in early December then will begin the rainy season. Even then, the rain probability is below normal.
“However, the alertness must still be improved. Do not be careless, and should not happen again burning of land and forest. In some places the fire has not been extinguished completely,” Sutopo said.
The Government continues to intensify in the management of land and forest fires, through the operation from the air, land, law enforcement, public health services and socialization.
Based on the Aqua Terra satellite monitoring, condition hotspot on Sunday (1-11-2015) at 17 am, in Sumatra detected 3 points, whereas in Kalimantan 155 points, those are 27 points in South Kalimantan, 35 Central Kalimantan, 92 East Kalimantan, and 1 North Kalimantan. Due to the satellite is not traverse the whole of Sumatra, so it was not detected. On the morning in Sumatra there are 199 points, of which 115 points in South Sumatra.
Distance vision and the weather at 17 a.m, in Padang: 4,000 m – smoky, Pekanbaru: 10,000 m – sunny and cloudy, Jambi: 4,000 m – cloudy, Palembang: 1,500 m – smoky, Pontianak: 10,000 m – cloudy, Ketapang: 10,000 m – cloudy, Palangkaraya: 4,000 m – thunder and rain, and in Banjarmasin: 7.000 m – cloudy.
While the air quality index (PM10) in Pekanbaru: 64 – moderate, Jambi: 62 – moderate, Palembang: 175 – unhealthy, Pontianak: 15 – Good, Banjarbaru: 25 – Good, Samarinda: 25 – Good, Palangkaraya: 184 – unhealthy.
Normal Weather
Head of BMKG station Pekanbaru, Sugarin, claiming the weather conditions in Riau Province are already normal after heavy rains with mild intensity occurred successively in the last week.
“The weather has been normal. It is characterized on the visibility at 7:00 pm, has reached 7,000 meters in the Pekanbaru city and surrounding areas due to rain,” Sugarin said Sunday.
Sugarin added that inother areas in Riau such as Rengat City, Indragiri Hilir then Dumai City and Pelalawan reported currently viewing distance of 5,000 meters each. ((Humas BNPB/ES)